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Pirro: Trump Was ‘Framed’ by Mueller, Weissmann

During Sunday’s “The Cats Roundtable” on New York AM 970 radio, Fox News “Justice” host Jeanine Pirro declared that President Donald Trump was “framed” in “an attempt to prevent the outsider” from being elected.

“[W]e find out on Friday that Andrew Weissmann – the top dog of the Mueller prosecution or special counsel team – he was involved with Bruce Ohr and knew everything about the dossier: That it was fake, he knew it was false. And, as a result of that, you’ve got a fake dossier being handed to a FISA court judge. And now Mueller is investigating Trump for this? And the truth is that Weissmann knew about it,” Pirro told host John Catsimatidis. “Nobody is looking at the corruption. It’s all one-sided, the corruption on the part of the Democrats. And this president was framed, John. It’s that simple.”

She continued, “I’ve been law enforcement for over three decades. This guy was framed. And he was framed by all the same players. … The crisscrossing and the incestuous nature of our government in an attempt to prevent the outsider president that we wanted from getting elected is frightening.”

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