Jesus' Coming Back

‘She Had Been Praying to Be Adopted’: Girl’s Reaction to Note Inside Gift Box From Foster Parents Goes Viral

ATHENS, Ga. — A video of a 10-year-old girl’s tearful yet joyous reaction to the news that she was going to be adopted, along with her siblings, has gone viral.

Paige Zezulka of Athens, Georgia recently shared the video on social media as she and her husband Daniel had surprised little Ivey with a framed note that they placed inside of a gift box.

“She had been praying to be adopted and we found out on her birthday that it was going to happen! So, the next day we gave her this surprise box! God’s timing was perfect!” Zezulka wrote in posting the recording.

In the video, the Zezulkas tell Ivey that they have another gift for her and that they want her to read it. As she removes the tissue paper and sees the framed note, she exclaims, “I’m going to be adopted?!” Ivey then bursts into happy tears.

The Zezulkas embrace her.

“We love you, sweetie,” Daniel states. “We’ll always be your parents.”

“We get to take care of you, protect you and Kai and Lita, too,” Paige adds.

Ivey had been in foster care for three years, at first separated from her brother. The Zezulkas received a phone call about a five-month-old boy who needed a home, not knowing he had a sister. They also didn’t know that the boy’s mother was pregnant with a third child.

According to ABC News, the Zezulkas were approached in 2016 about adopting Kai and Ivey after it was decided that returning them to their biological parents “was not legally going to happen.” They also received a call about fostering baby Lita.

Soon, all three children were living with the Zezulkas. Paige said that she saw God’s hand in how well Ivey transitioned to their home after living with another foster family.

“God was amazing,” she recalled. “The first night she moved in, she asked if she could call us Mom and Dad. The second day, she asked if she could stay forever.”

The Zezulkas moved forward with adoption paperwork, and on Ivey’s 10th birthday, they found out that the adoption was now legal.

“Ivey is so wonderful and special, and we are so blessed she is our daughter,” Paige told ABC News. “Ivey is so grateful and thankful. [She] tells us we are wonderful parents, and she has gratitude to be in a family, for being safe and loved. She’s wonderful and we are so blessed she is our daughter.”

The Zezulka’s video of the day they broke the news to Ivey that she and her siblings were being adopted has received 15 million views as of press time, and 200k shares.

As previously reported, adoption from foster care costs little to nothing, as compared to private or overseas adoptions.

James 1:27 teaches, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

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