Jesus' Coming Back

Upcoming Film On Life Of Christ Criticized For Omitting American Flag

HOLLYWOOD, CA—An upcoming historical drama on the life of Christ, Son of Man, has drawn heavy criticism for not including a scene prominently featuring the flag of the United States.

The movie is set to include various significant scenes from Jesus’ ministry, but will not show the American flag a single time, sources confirmed. From Christ’s temptation in the desert, to his amazing miracles, all the way through his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, the movie won’t show a United States flag, “not even in the background,” according to sources close to the filmmakers.

“This is outrageous,” one Fox News commentator said on his program Friday. “The salvation of sinners was an American achievement—one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind—and for this movie to simply gloss over that, giving credit to Christ instead, is ridiculous.”

“It’s almost as though the director is trying to say America is not exceptional—that she’s not really God’s chosen people! Liberal insanity! Agggghhhh!!!!” he added, foaming at the mouth.

The director defended the decision, pointing out that the United States has “almost nothing” to do with the Bible whatsoever, but outraged conservatives continued to slam him throughout the week, calling for his resignation and subsequent execution.

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