Jesus' Coming Back

‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Sparking Protests in Southern Cities

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Residents in some Southern cities have pushed back against plans to bring “Drag Queen Story Hour” to their local library, an event that features men dressed as women reading stories about topics such as homosexuality and “gender fluidity” to young children in an effort to impart acceptance of those lifestyles.

“DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” the Drag Queen Story Hour website reads. “In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”

In Mobile, Alabama, a group called Common Sense Campaign Tea Party has organized a protest for the story hour scheduled for this Saturday.

“Drag queens reading kids stories about homosexuality and transgenderism appears to be the latest craze sweeping public libraries in the United States and Canada,” reads the event page on Facebook. “A drag queen will read to our children ages 3 to 8 years at the Ben May Main Library, Mobile, on Saturday, Sept 8th. Kids love to play dress up, so they will be pulled in by this person.”

Fox 10 News reports residents packed a recent Mobile County Commission Meeting to express concern about the event.

“I am convinced that this event represents opening the door to many other abhorrent behavioral lifestyles, which threatens to undermine the moral fiber of this country,” Matt Morris, pastor of Woodridge Baptist Church, told the commission.

On August 25, protesters with TFP Student Action stood outside of the Freed-Montrose Public Library in Houston, Texas while “Drag Queen Story Hour” was underway.

“Will you cross your arms while public libraries destroy the innocence of children? Never!” the group chanted, according to a post on the TFP website.

It reports that one passerby returned to counter-protest, holding a sign that read “Ignore the trash” and telling the protesters, “If you died right now, you would make a lot of people very happy.”

The Associated Press reports that protesters stood in the rain outside of a story hour that was held last month in Columbus, Georgia.

In LaFayette, Louisiana, nearly 800 people have signed a petition calling for the cancellation of a Drag Queen Story Hour scheduled to be held at the LaFayette Public Library in October. According to The Daily Advertiser, men from the Delta Lambda Phi fraternity will appear in drag and read books to children ages three through six.

Mayor Joel Robideaux also recently sent Board of Control President Joseph Gordon-Wiltz an email asking for copies of all correspondence surrounding the scheduled storytime, and has suggested in a statement that he is seeking how to cancel the event.

“Currently, events of the Lafayette Public Library are neither authorized nor approved by Lafayette Consolidated Government (LCG), including the Drag Queen Story Time event scheduled for October 6, 2018 at the Library Main Branch,” he said. “In response to public requests, LCG is working to determine how this event was approved as a programmed event of the library, who has authority to cancel or move it, and the process for doing so.”

Gordon-Wiltz has since resigned, but has availed himself should Robideaux need additional information.

Drag Queen Story Hour reportedly has chapters across the country, including in San Francisco, California; Houston, Texas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Cincinnati, Ohio; New Orleans, Louisiana; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Chicago, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; Portland, Oregon; Denver, Colorado; Middletown, Connecticut and Reading, Pennsylvania.

1 Peter 5:8 instructs, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

Ephesians 6:12 also teaches, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

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