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***Live Updates*** Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday will begin its confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh. If confirmed, Kavanaugh will replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice, Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), and attorney Lisa Blatt will introduce Kavanaugh on Tuesday before Kavanaugh gives his opening statement. Senators will give their remarks on Tuesday before questioning Kavanaugh on Wednesday. Various outside witnesses will give their testimonials on Thursday.

In his opening statement on Tuesday, Kavanaugh, echoing Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, will say that a “good judge must be an umpire—a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no litigant or policy.”

Breitbart News will have live updates throughout the week. All times eastern.

11:13 AM: Latest protesters yells in the faces of police officers escorting her out. What a look for the left.

11:08 AM: Sen. Hatch (R-UT) says this has “been an exhaustive process” and says he has participated on the confirmation hearings of every Justice on the court and he “knows a good nominee when I see one.” He says Kavanaugh is a “great nominee.” Hatch mentions that Kavanaugh likes to eat pasta with ketchup and is the type of person people want as a friend and colleague. He says Democrats are trying to paint him as “one of the four horses of the Apocalypse.” Another protester interrupts and Hatch says, “we shouldn’t have to put up with this kind of stuff” and wants the “loud mouth removed.”

11:05 AM:

10:50 AM: Grassley finally going into his opening statement. Protesters still interrupting Grassley as he says he expects Kavanaugh to follow the Ginsburg Standard at the hearings. He says Kavanaugh’s record demonstrates “a deep commitment” to the rule of law. Grassley says he’ll put the last seven pages of his opening statements on the record. Feinstein is up next, and she, too, says she’ll truncate her opening statement. Feinstein talks about how she sentenced women who committed abortions to state prison and also granted them parole. She says the statistics in the 50s and 60s were “horrendous” re: women who became pregnant. She asks Kavanaugh if he thinks Roe is “correct” instead of just “settled” law. Feinstein slams Kavanaugh over his pro-life and support for the Second Amendment.

10:40 AM: Grassley, as he stated, still has not given his opening statement. He again denies Blumenthal’s motion to adjourn because the Committee is not in executive session.

10:34 AM: Kennedy asks if they will ever get to hear from the nominee and Grassley asks how long Democrats are going to stage their interruptions.

“This is the same Chuck Grassley that ran the Gorsuch hearings,” he says. “How long do you want to go on?”

10:32 AM: Cornyn: “This is first hearing I’ve seen according to mob rule.”

10:30 AM: Another protester tossed:

10:25 AM: Harris immediately “pins” this at the top of her Twitter feed.

10: 16 AM: Durbin confirms Dems planned protests:

10:12 AM: Grassley again floats possibility of going into “Saturday and Sunday” to finish the hearings.

10:10 AM:  Sen. Kennedy (R-LA) asks: “What are going to be the ground rules? Are we allowed to interrupt each other and witness? Should we seek recognition from the chair?”

Grassley says he has never experienced this.

10:05 AM: Feinstein says “there is frustration” on her side, and brings up Garland. She says she “regrets this” but “you have to understand the frustration on this side of the aisle.” She brings up “torture” and “Enron.”

Booker suggests hearings “unconstitutional.” Blumenthal says hearings would be “tainted and stained forever.”

10:02 AM: Did Republicans on the Committee not expect Democrats to pull something? Republicans on the Committee letting Democrats gang up on Grassley and being spineless, not showing any fight.

9:59 AM: Grassley says “it’s pretty boring to hear the same thing all the time.”

9:58 AM: At least 17 arrested:

9:50 AM: Grassley thanks the police officers for removing the protesters. Senators, led by Harris, continue to interrupt Grassley about adjourning the hearing. Booker says “not one Senator here” has had time to read the 40,000 documents and insists on adjourning the hearing. Durbin now saying hearings would be “unfair” without time to review all of Kavanaugh’s documents.

9:42 AM: One agitator shouts that this should be “impeachment.” The left-wing base will demand nothing less if Democrats take back the House in the fall. The agitators could also convince Americans to side with Trump when he talks about how much Americans will have to fear if Democrats take back Congress.

9:37 AM: Right out of the gate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) interrupts Grassley and raises concerns about Kavanaugh’s documents. He says she is out of line. Other Senators like Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) interrupt. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) moves to adjourn the hearings, and left-wing agitators cheer. What a circus. Blumenthal asks for a roll call vote and asks the Committee to adjourn.

Telling that Feinstein-led Democrats on the Judiciary Committee chose Harris to interrupt Grassley first, ensuring the potential 2020 presidential contender will get the lion’s share of the national headlines.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) now asking for a vote to adjourn and speechifying.

Grassley says Democrats and agitators are “taking advantage of my decency and integrity.”

9:35: Kavanaugh walks in and takes his seat.

9:31: Rosenstein at hearing:

9:30: Getting ready:

9:20 AM: NARAL/NAACP protesting as well:

9:00 AM: Loony left:

8:55 AM: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) says Democrats will stage a “silent protest” but attend the hearings and question Kavanaugh. What does this mean? Is this like playing a baseball game under protest?

Good way to describe it:

If the “Never Trump” losers had their way, Kavanaugh would never have been nominated:

Judiciary Committee Chair Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA):

Senate Democrats last night:

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