Jesus' Coming Back

Study: More than 3.1K Foreign Nationals Registered to Vote in 13 Sanctuary Cities

There have been more than 3,100 foreign nationals who have registered to vote or were removed from voter rolls in the last decade, a new study finds.

Newly released research by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) reveals how sanctuary cities and a states’ implementation of the National Voter Registration Act incentivizes foreign nationals to register to vote in U.S. elections.

Specifically, in 13 sanctuary cities across seven states, a total of about 3,120 foreign nationals either registered to vote or were removed from the voter rolls between 2006 and 2018.

These foreign nationals were on the voter rolls, voted, and later were revealed to be ineligible to vote. Nonetheless, the states relied on noncitizens self-reporting themselves for voting when they were ineligible.

Those sanctuary cities and their noncitizen voters include: —>

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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