Jesus' Coming Back

The 50 most influential Jews of the year

The 50 most influential Jews of 5778 (Videos credit: Reuters / GPO)

The 50 most influential Jews of 5778 (Videos credit: Reuters / GPO)

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As we begin the Jewish New Year 5779, it’s more difficult than ever before to predict what will happen in our rapidly changing world, and who will most impact Israel, the Jewish world and the world at large. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been the powerful leader of the Jewish state for more than 12 years, and wields significant influence with a range of global leaders from US President Donald Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Netanyahu’s fate, however, lies in the hands of Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, who is due to decide within the next few months whether or not to indict him in one or more cases involving alleged corruption. That’s why Mandelblit tops our list of influential Jews this year, followed by Netanyahu. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, who led last year’s list, retain huge influence over President Trump, perhaps the most powerful person on the planet, and are in third place. Following them is the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, the man primarily responsible for the historic decision to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, on May 14, 70 years after the establishment of the State. To highlight his special role, this special supplement features a fascinating interview with Friedman by diplomatic correspondent Herb Keinon. We don’t expect our readers to agree with all our choices, but we hope to provide food for thought and discussion over the High Holy Days.  As Shimon Peres once told me, it’s our job to tell our readers what (or in this case who) to think about, and not what to think.

Mazal tov to all those on this list, and shana tova to all our readers!

50 Most Influential Jews:

1.      Avichai Mandelblit
2.      Benjamin Netanyahu
3.      Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump
4.      David Friedman
5.      Maggie Haberman
6.      Steve Mnuchin
7.      Audrey Azulay
8.      Ayelet Shaked
9.      Ronald Lauder
10.    Gal Gadot
11.    Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Liberman
12.    Yossi Cohen and Gadi Eisenkot
13.    Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, Elana Kagan, and Stephen Breyer
14.    Michael Cohen
15.    Isaac Herzog
16.    Sheldon Adelson
17.    Claudia Sheinbaum
18.    Miri Regev
19.    Esther Hayut
20.    Reuven Rivlin
21.    Ron Dermer and Danny Danon
22.    Roman Abramovich
23.    Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg
24.    Avi Gabbay and Yair Lapid
25.    Gilad Erdan, Gideon Sa’ar and Israel Katz
26.    Benny Gantz and Gabi Ashkenazi
27.    Netta Barzilai
28.    Luciana Berger
29.    Natalie Portman
30.    Russell Robinson
31.    Rabbi Berl Lazar and Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt 
32.    Howard Kohr
33.    Simone Zimmerman
34.    Shari Arison
35.    Sylvan Adams
36.    Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
37.    Danny Atar
38.    Mayim Bialik
39.    Shiri Maimon
40.    Marie van der Zyl
41.    Wendy Kahn
42.    Dr. Shmuel Rosenman and Phyllis Greenberg Heideman
Bini Zomer
Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch
Bonnie Hammer
Sivan Rahav Meir
Gidi Mark
Haim Saban
Or Na’aman
Nicole Krauss
Mike Evans

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