Scholars: Book Of Life In Revelation Actually Contains Statement On Social Justice

U.S.—According to Bible scholars, the Book of Life mentioned in Revelation is now thought to simply contain a comprehensive cross-denominational statement on social justice put forth by leading evangelicals.
It’s not clear which statement on social justice the Book of Life represents, but researchers are confident that the Book does contain a list of affirmations and denials on topics like racism, prejudice, diversity, and social activism.
“It makes sense,” said one scholar working at The King’s Seminary in Los Angeles. “At the consummation of all things, the Lamb’s Book of Life will be thrown open, and each person will be asked to sign the statement affirming their position on social justice.”
“We’ve always suspected it was biblical to ask people to affirm incredibly specific positions on nuanced issues, and now we know for sure,” he added.
Researchers claim that those who do not affirm the position espoused in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, while those who decide to become signers will enter into the presence of their Master.
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