Jesus' Coming Back

Seventeen Years Later, The Events Of September 11th Need To Be Re-evaluated More Than Ever

Today is the 17th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. There have been many reflections from many people about this, with eulogies to remember the deceased and more talk of patriotism and national fervor.

To be honest, and with all respect to the deceased, I don’t see much to celebrate.

Before you call me a traitor/anti-American/unpatriotic/terrorist supporter, I would like to tell a little more of my personal story with Islam.

I am not Muslim. However, I started studying Islam in 1998 while I was a teenager out of interest in the subject. I read books of Islamic theology, the Koran, Islamic Sacred Tradition (hadith), and many booklets as well as books about Islam and economics and politics. When September 11th happened, I already knew it was Osama bin Laden because I remember reading about his threats in the new when for all purposes nobody even knew who he was. I was in high school when 9/11 happened, and I had already been reading about Islam for three years at that point.

Islamic terrorism is real and a threat, and it is theologically rooted to the religion. However, something that one who studies Islam for a long time can tell you is that, if he speaks objectively, Islam is a religion which deadens the senses and due to its inherently violent tendencies is an ideal vehicle for external manipulation. Muslims as well as the threats they make on the basis of Islam can be easily harnessed in the hands of a skilled manipulator for the ends of a man who has an insatiable avarice for power.

What bothered me was not the US response to 9/11 itself. What was bothersome was the concept of a “war on terror” that had no clearly defined beginnings or ends.

Terrorism is a tactic. In Islam, it is but one of a series of means that can be used to advance Islam. It is not required, but it is not frowned upon either, for in the darwinian sense, it is a manifestation of the “ends justify the means” philosophy if such is being done in the cause of Allah.

One does not fight a tactic of war, but an actual enemy who employs said tactic. If one was serious about stopping terrorism, one would want to inhibit the spread of the religion of Islam because it is through the religion that the philosophy and tactics of Islam are conveyed. This is because Islam is not a “political” or “economic” problem, but a theological problem that comes from the soul of a man.

When the Bush administration two years later went to invade Iraq, I was part of the many protests against the war. This is not because I had some particular affinity for Saddam Hussein or Islam, but because objectively speaking, Iraq would not be a logical sense for a target in a “war on terror.” Colin Powell’s famous “yellowcake uranium” speech at the UN was a complete lie:

The continual expansion of the war on terror proved the falsity of the narrative presented, for far from fighting terrorism, it seemed that the more resources were invested into the “war” the threat did not diminish, but increased and spread around the world. Quizzically, the same places that “Al-Qaeda” was alleged to spread into, such as Yemen and Iraq, were all nations that the USA had geopolitical quarrels with Russia over during the Cold War. There was the infamous “axis of evil,” that ironically did not comprise Saudi Arabia, the nation universally recognized as the center from which the majority of the hijackers came, but Iraq, Iran, and North Korea:

Then came the focus on Iran, a nation who has never been more than a regional power except on one occasion over 2500 years ago, and also just happens to be a nation with friendly relations with Russia and one which the nation of Israel has strongly desired that the US go to war against, and for which Israel has aggressively lobbied for within the USA.

Then there was the question of the 9/11 attacks themselves. The fact that the government did not attempt to shoot down the planes at all, that the buildings exploded in such a curiously geometric and firey manner, and that the building collapsed in a way that seemed more of a demolition from within, one cannot help but ask questions.

So what did 9/11 accomplish?

Curiously it gave the USA an incentive to begin a series of wars in the name of pursuing an elusive “terror group” that co-incidentally has direct ties to the CIA since the 1980s.

The Taliban was a creation of the CIA. Look up “Operation Cyclone” and you can read about either here or on another sources.

ISIS, one of the “successors” to the Taliban, has been proven to be a CIA creation since at least 2015 and has also worked closely with Turkey.

No actions were ever taken against Saudi Arabia, a reliable American regional economic and political ally. Meanwhile, Iraq was destroyed and its leader murdered, and the US is in the process of invading and destroying Syria on almost the same reasons.

Years ago, there was a program called Operation Northwoods. In short, the US government proposed under General Lyman Lemnitzer to have the CIA pose as Cuban “terrorists,” and they kidnap and murder American citizens, and use the false event as a justification to start a war with Cuba. The plan was denounced by President Kennedy and never took place in the context of Cuba.

However, the more one looks at the events of September 11th, the more it appears that there is just too much of a cross over between US and foreign intelligence, and the subsequent wars and rise of nationalism, and the curious way it fits into Operation Gladio.

If that was not enough, there is the fact that many in the “counter jihad” movement not only appeared out of nowhere, but those who did have reputable names, such as the Pipes family, had a history of supporting Islamic terrorism and the “suddenly” claiming to oppose it.

About three thousand people died on September 11th under what most saw were, at the surface view, the actions of Islamic terrorists. However, the more one looks, the more one recognizes that Islam was the part one was meant to latch on to and blame while avoiding mention of the actors in government, industry, finance, and academia whose actions surrounded and enabled the actions of the terrorists to happen.”

Perhaps one should ask if 9/11 was less an act of Islamic terrorism, and more a modern application of Operation Northwoods, where one’s own government slaughtered a select group of citizens in order to justify a policy to its other citizens for the benefit of an evil, elite cabal of eugenicist, darwinian-minded individuals and families.

Perhaps the real terrorists do not wear, turbans, but well-pressed suits and wave a flag amid nationalist chants while driving to their businesses and boardrooms in New York and Brussels.

This is why, seventeen years after 9/11, I don’t see much to celebrate. Instead, there are just more questions, and the more one gets answers to those questions, the more sees not a need for a memorial of an officially constructed series of events, but deeper probe into what really happened for the sake of historical integrity and the truth and for those who died, for only the truth can set a man free.

It is something that, for the sake of mercy and justice, everybody must receive.

Jesus Christ is King

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