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Hollywood Celebrates Paul Manafort Guilty Plea: ‘Check Mate,’ ‘F*ck U Trump’

Several celebrities took to social media on Friday and posted messages celebrating former Trump presidential campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s decision to plead guilty to a federal conspiracy charge as part of a plea agreement with special counsel Robert Mueller.

The longtime adversary of President Donald Trump Rosie O’Donnell tweeted a photo of a red-faced Trump with the words “Donald is Done” on it. She captioned the tweet, “Manafort flipped — Fuck u Trump.”

Star Wars star Mark Hamill tweeted song lyrics:

They call him Flipper, Flipper- No one, you see, flips faster than he…
And we know Flipper, lives in a dark world of blunder,
Lying there under, Mueller you see!

Federal court filings, released Friday, revealed that the charges against Manafort include conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to obstruct justice.
The White House issued a statement Friday that said the charges against Paul Manafort are unrelated to Mr. Trump’s election victory.
“This had absolutely nothing to do with the President or his victorious 2016 Presidential campaign,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement. “It is totally unrelated.”

Still, President Trump’s most outspoken celebrity critics used the news of Manafort cooperating with Mueller as good news and used it to heckle the president. Below is a roundup or their reactions.

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