Jesus' Coming Back

Major Jewish Group In UK Receives Grant To Promote Ancient Rites Of Babylonian Paganism

A major Jewish group in the UK has received a ten thousand pound grand to promote homosexuality and transgenderism according to a report:

A leading Jewish youth group has been handed a £10,000 National Lottery grant to help its work supporting LGBT ‘Inclusion and Celebration’.

BBYO UK & Ireland (UKI) teenage leaders will receive professional training from KeshetUK and Jonny Wineberg, director of Community Futures Trust and #WeStandTogether, in LGBT inclusion and leadership skills.

The project will enable young people to work together to challenge prejudice, build their skills in collaboration and provide a foundation for building relationships through inclusion work.

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Additionally, this award will be used to improve organisational infrastructure, enabling BBYO UKI to better evaluate its work and evidence successful outcomes for this and future projects.

Teen leader and national president, Matthew Buchalter, said: “Partnerships between our members and LGBT+ organisations help us to grow and build on our core beliefs. This step to further our inclusivity is a clear way to show the wider progress within Jewish youth, particularly in the UK and Ireland. I’m so excited to dedicate more time to ensuring every Jewish teen can benefit from the same experiences. (source)

The Bible is very clear about the LGBT. In both the Old and New Testaments, homosexuality is a sin that is punishable by death on the basis that it is a grave evil with significant philosophical consequences and social consequences. Unlike Dennis Prager’s “Bible,” neither homosexuality nor pedophilia are permitted in it:

True Judaism does not support homosexuality, but to the contrary is opposed to it on the basis of divine revelation. He who would assert that true Judaism permits for homosexuality does not reflect either Sacred Scripture or Sacred Tradition, but the infernal Babylonian paganism and heathenry of Israel’s neighbors masquerading as divinely revealed truth. It is among the most depraved and wicked of deceptions, as it is a true perversion of not merely the name of God, but that which one knows by both revelation and natural law.

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