Man Kidnaps Mentally Challenged People And Imprisons Them In His Basement, Forces Them To Take Drugs And Have Sex For Money

A self-professed “preacher” was arrested, put on trial, and jailed for kidnapping people with mental problems and keeping them in his basement, where he gave them drugs and forced them to have sex for money according to a report:
A self-proclaimed street preacher who had a role in kidnapping, torturing and enslaving mentally disabled adults chained up in a filthy basement has been sentenced to 27 years in prison.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia announced that Eddie “the Reverend Ed” Wright was sentenced Thursday for the scheme that lasted from 2001 to October 2011. He is the second of the five people charged in the case that shocked Philadelphia and the nation to be sentenced this week after Nicklaus Woodard was also sentenced to 27 years on Tuesday.
“The physical and psychological pain inflicted on the victims can only be described as pure, unadulterated torture,” said U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain, adding that the sentencings meant “justice has finally been served.”
“Now it’s their turn to be locked away in a dark prison cell. My Office will do everything in its power to ensure each of them serves every second of the sentences the court imposed.”
Last month, Jean McIntosh was sentenced to 40 years prison for her role. McIntosh helped prosecutors build a case against her mother, Linda Weston, the ringleader of the group that held victims captive for years in a cramped basement in the plan to steal more than $200,000 in government benefits.
Weston previously pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison plus 80 years to avoid the death penalty. Court records Thursday showed federal charges were still pending against Greg Thomas, Weston’s former boyfriend.
In all, the five defendants were charged with 196 counts after police rescued four people from the basement in October 2011. Details of the squalid conditions, physical abuse and forced prostitution of the victims began to come to light in charging documents and the case gained national attention.
Prosecutors said the five defendants coerced and pressured some of the mentally disabled captives into making Weston their designated payees for their benefits. They shuttled the captives between several states to avoid being caught, and often locked them in basements, closets and other confined spaces, feeding them minimal food often spiked with sedatives.
At least one of the captives testified she was forced to have children with another captive. She said Weston and her daughter took her child and told her he had died, but later claimed the baby was theirs to collect more benefits. (source)
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