Celebrities Rush to Convict Brett Kavanaugh: ‘Pretend You Give a Sh*t About Women’

Following the release of a Washington Post report accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, many in Hollywood attacked him and assumed his guilt Sunday.
The accuser — a woman named Christine Blasey Ford — told the Post that Brett Kavanaugh, a 17-year-old high school student, groped and attacked her.
Ford said that Kavanaugh “groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it.”
Kavanaugh denied the allegations. Another student who was allegedly present during this incident has denied the encounter happened as well, saying the story is “absolutely nuts.”
Nonetheless, many in Hollywood immediately presumed Kavanaugh’s guilt and slammed him on social media.
“Brett Kavanaugh attempted rape NOonKAVANAUGH,” Rosie O’Donnell tweeted.
Brett Kavanaugh attempted rape #NOonKAVANAUGH https://t.co/D9xVgOawif
— ROSIE (@Rosie) September 16, 2018
Author Stephen King joined in.
What she said. https://t.co/LJSexXWCgf
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 16, 2018
“I believe Christine Blasey Ford and so should every U.S Senator,” Chelsea Handler tweeted.
I believe Christine Blasey Ford and so should every U.S Senator. https://t.co/o8w6yB7YB9
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) September 16, 2018
“SenateGOP Male GOP Senators, huge opportunity here to pretend you give a shit about women & be the first to say you’ll vote No on Kavanaugh. BenSasse? BobCorker? JeffFlake? One of you soft pieces of shit should grab this once in a career opportunity,” comedian Rob Delaney tweeted.
.@SenateGOP Male GOP Senators, huge opportunity here to pretend you give a shit about women & be the first to say you’ll vote No on Kavanaugh. @BenSasse? @BobCorker? @JeffFlake? One of you soft pieces of shit should grab this once in a career opportunity.
— rob delaney (@robdelaney) September 16, 2018
Actress Debra Messing tweeted, “I believe and stand by Professor Ford. The confirmation MUST BE DELAYED so the FBI can investigate this extremely serious matter. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me.”-Professor Ford about –Kavanaugh assault. KavanaughConfirmation must STOP.”
I believe and stand by Professor Ford. The confirmation MUST BE DELAYED so the FBI can investigate this extremely serious matter. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me.”-Professor Ford about –#Kavanaugh assault. #KavanaughConfirmation must STOP.
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) September 16, 2018
Many others in Hollywood joined in on the hate train.
I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. #MeToo
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) September 16, 2018
I believe you Professor Christine Blasey Ford.
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) September 16, 2018
Incredibly brave of Christine Blasey Ford to come forward. She’ll now face barbaric Republican wrath and also lifelong ostracizing by Kavanaugh’s insular, suburban Maryland, seersucker & dock siders, “anti-elitist” country club set.
— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) September 16, 2018
Retweet if you want to #StopKanavaugh https://t.co/qYIUiCZaUO
— Bradley Whitford (@WhitfordBradley) September 16, 2018
“He was only 17.” = “I am also garbage with crimes in my past.”
— (((New York actor))) (@JoshMalina) September 16, 2018
100 percent https://t.co/zRwSLX2z9O
— Ike Barinholtz (@ikebarinholtz) September 16, 2018
The behavior of the GOP right now has nothing to do with whether they believe Kavanagh’s accuser.
This is entirely about the possibility of losing the Senate and being unable to confirm a right-wing justice.
They want the fruits of their Faustian bargain.
— Bill Prady (@billprady) September 16, 2018
Believe women. https://t.co/YIirNCc1ME
— Piper Perabo (@PiperPerabo) September 16, 2018
A renowned law professor passed a lie detector test administered by an FBI official, handed over therapy session notes detailing the alleged attempted rape by Kavanaugh & publicly put her name out in the open. The fact that BK may still be given a lifetime appointment is insane. https://t.co/nlMm0pzS0q
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) September 16, 2018
Confirmation must be delayed – he has lied under oath to congress multiple times –
Untill that and the accusation from the woman can be properly vetted and heard – https://t.co/3NORu0lIAN— John Cusack (@johncusack) September 17, 2018
Thank you for your courage
Christine Blasey Ford. Now let’s see what America is really made of.— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) September 17, 2018
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