Jesus' Coming Back

Catholic Priest In Chicago Takes LGBT Flag That Was Placed In The Church To Make It “Gay Friendly” And Sets It On Fire

By Theodore Shoebat

A Catholic priest in the diocese of Chicago recently set an LGBT flag on fire. The flag was placed in the parish to make the church more “gay friendly.” According to a report from the Chicago Sun Times:

A North Side priest who says he “can’t sit well” with Cardinal Blase Cupich burned a gay-friendly flag outside his Avondale church last week — against the wishes of the cardinal he claims is trying to minimize the clergy sex-abuse crisis.

Rev. Paul Kalchik says the banner, featuring a cross superimposed over a rainbow, had been featured prominently in the sanctuary at Resurrection Catholic Church but had been taken down and was forgotten in storage at the parish at 3043 N. Francisco for more than a decade.

Kalchik led seven parishioners in a prayer of exorcism Friday, and the flag was burned inside a portable fire pit placed the schoolyard next to the church. The ashes of the flag now rest in a church compost heap.

“That banner and what it stood for doesn’t belong to the Archdiocese or Cardinal Cupich. It belongs to the people of this parish who paid for it,” Kalchik said. “What have we done wrong other than destroy a piece of propaganda that was used to put out a message other than what the church is about?”

Cupich, who has joined Pope Francis in exuding a more welcoming tone to gays in the Catholic Church, had attempted to stop Kalchik from burning the flag, instructing Kalchik he “could not move forward with that planned activity,” Archdiocese of Chicago spokeswoman Anne Maselli said Tuesday.

Maselli said that the archdiocese was “unaware” that the flag-burning occurred, “and we are following up on the situation. As Catholics we affirm the dignity of all persons.”

Chris Pett, president of Dignity USA, a Catholic LGBT-acceptance organization, called Kalchik a “renegade priest pushing an extreme agenda.”

“He’s hijacking the parish and trampling on core Catholic values,” Pett said. “The archdiocese needs to denounce this in the strongest possible terms.”

Chris Pett, president of Dignity USA, a Catholic LGBT-acceptance organization, called Kalchik a “renegade priest pushing an extreme agenda.”

“He’s hijacking the parish and trampling on core Catholic values,” Pett said. “The archdiocese needs to denounce this in the strongest possible terms.”

In a church bulletin dated Sept. 2, Kalchik announced that he planned to burn the flag Sept. 29 for “the Feast of Saint Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.” But a few days later, the archdiocese told him to scrap the burning after officials were notified of his plans by a reporter for the Windy City Times.

The priest says the archdiocese threatened him with “canonical penalties” if he went through with the flag burning, and that Cupich has since blocked Kalchik’s request to transfer to a diocese in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where Kalchik has family.

Despite the orders from the archdiocese, Kalchik admits he went ahead and destroyed the flag “in a quiet way” on Friday.

We need to see more actions like this from priests against Sodom. The sad reality is that almost all of the priests will never fight Sodom, because they are a part of Sodom, or they have been pummeled into submission.

The days of trusting in church leaders are over, the days of weakness are over, and now the day of justice against the corrupters of the Faith must arise, and those who have zeal must pick up their whips and drive out the thieves from the Temple.

While we were doing some work in Texas we were told of a man named Msgr. Michael Yarbrough (also known as Michael Yarborough), and how he is a deviant priest who forcefully kissed a young man named Hector Escalante on the lips, and how he was supporting a pro homosexual group called Call to Action. Here is a photo of Msgr. Michael Yarbrough:

Msgr. Mike Yarbrough

Well, we decided that we were going to bait Msgr. Michael Yarbrough. I visited him in a confessional booth where I told him my age and apparently it registered an interest and he asked me if I wanted to come and hang out with him. He fell for the bait. I found it very odd that a priest of his high position, with a very busy schedule, would all of a sudden want to spend time with me.

I accepted his offer, and gave him a call, and asked him if we would meet at a book store. He said that he preferred that we meet in his office. I found this quite disturbing because it was in his office where he kissed Hector Escalante. When I did research on Msgr. Michael Yarbrough, I found a 2002 report written in the San Antonio Express which stated:

Hector Escalante complained that Monsignor Michael Yarbrough kissed him on the lips and groped him in his office in 1998 when Escalante was 27, on his last day on the job as a St. Matthew’s Parish employee.

Yarbrough admitted kissing him but said Escalante misunderstood the gesture, which the priest said was common among men in his family. He denied groping Escalante.

Imagine, a man kissing another man on the lips as “common.”

I told Msgr. Michael Yarbrough that it would be better that we meet in a book store, to which he agreed. I asked him how much time he had, and he said, as long as I wanted. After doing some more research, I also found out that on top of kissing a young man on the lips, Msgr. Michael Yarbrough is a also a major donor to a pro homosexual group, called Call to Action, and I found his name on a list made by Call to Action designated as “major donors”. I took a snapshot of the list with Msgr. Michael Yarbrough’s name highlighted:

yarbarough copy

So, we had the meeting at the bookstore, and after some conversation, I busted him on his heresies and his scandals, and also paid a visit to his church where I was eventually kicked out by his followers (who probably know nothing on how evil this heretic is). Here is the video:

If your pastor says anything in favor for Islam and homosexuality, confront him, and do so with aggression. If you attend a Christian school or university, and they have events in favor for homosexuality or Islam, go in there and confront the entire event, and do so with aggression.

If our Lord entered the Temple with a whip, the least we can do is confront these devils, and do so with aggression, and film them. Instill fear into their hearts, and horrify them into submission.

It is my aspiration that this video will begin an international movement I call Operation Whip. We must confront the deviant and heretical ministers, and not only that, we must film them and post the videos on the internet. Its time to apply the whip (peer pressure) on them.

This will break their will and put us, the zealous, in the position of power and advantage over them, and make them submit to God and not to money and mammon.

The time for weakness and sycophancy is over, there must be a movement of zealots who will take up cameras, confront these wicked ministers, and make them tremble.

For decades righteous Christians have been being mistreated and ignored by church leaders, and this is because so many Christians have, innocently, placed themselves under the authority of the hirelings with the impression that they are doing the right thing by being submissive, even when they are promoting evil and depravity.

St. Thomas Aquinas calls this indiscriminate obedience, which recklessly obeys all things regardless of how destructive they may be. (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae, 104, article 5). All tyrannies thrive on indiscriminate obedience, for without those who think that submission to them is righteous, all of their power crumbles.

It is the same with cults and corrupt ministers. The reason why we have them is because of all the people who support them, and agree with them. But even in churches where the minister is corrupt, you have righteous congregants who do want to learn truth, but instead get nothing but the rubbish that springs from the superficial love of mammon.

These righteous Christians will go to the pastor, try to talk to them, but will get nothing but a passing of the buck, some nice words, some empty promises from the pastor that he will “think about it.” Or, they will try to set up a meeting with the pastor, but will get continuous excuses such as “the pastor is very busy” or endless postponements.

The days of wasting time and struggling just to get a useless meeting with a pastor, are over. Now we are in the days that obligate us to confront these wicked ministers, just as our Lord confronted those who were prostituting His Father’s Temple with zeal and a whip.

These are the days of zeal, these are the days in which we must stand up to the hirelings to their faces, film it, and let them fear and respect us, and not the other way around.

This is what Operation Whip is about, confronting pastors and teachers when they preach heresy and evil, get it on film, expose them.

I ask you, confront any wicked pastor or teacher you know, film it, post it online, and send it over to with proof of his evils, and we will make sure that its seen. We have to shift the battle against them.

If we can all do this, then we can clean out the Church in a matter of months.

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