Jesus' Coming Back

All Of Sweden’s Mainstream Parties, Including The Nazi Sweden Democrats, Are Pushing For Sweden To Boost Its Military To Prepare For War With Russia

Defense will be very much on the minds of Sweden’s new government, against a backdrop of an unpredictable Russia and a domestic military that is unable to either fund major new procurement programs or work within the tight parameters of the current budgeting framework.

Sweden’s is returning to a Cold War disposition, but it is more than just that. The third largest party in Sweden right now is the Sweden Democrats who currently have sixty three seats in the Swedish parliament. This party, which was founded by members of the Nazi SS, was on the fringe for years and now it is a major political force. This signifies a major shift in the political climate of not just Sweden, but Europe which has seen a surge in nationalism. What helped accelerate this was the refugee crises of 2015 which was facilitated by Germany and Turkey who both collaborated to get the continent to absorb hundreds of thousands of Islamic refugees, an event which would be used to spark nationalist tensions by certain parties like the Sweden Democrats and the Alternative for Deutschland Party. A surge in nationalism has been a goal of NATO’s since the Gladio operations that began after World War Two in which Western intelligence agencies worked to create Nazi and nationalist paramilitaries to fight for a foreseen Soviet invasion. Well now, with refugee crises, parties like the Sweden Democrats are garnering a huge following. And its not as though the general population who voted for the Sweden Democrats are sitting there sporting Swastikas and SS uniforms larping as Nazis.

They generally believe that the Sweden Democrats are presenting a real solution to a crises of Islamic fundamentalism within their country. And this is what makes European nationalist groups so effectively dangerous: they point to real problems and present themselves as the solutions to the problems. This is why when someone warns others about these racialist parties, you will always people who will come out and cry about “These parties are fighting the Muslims” or “Who wants Muslims in their country? This is why these nationalists are good, because they are fighting the Jihad.” People are pointing to the crises  to which these parties are presenting themselves as the solutions, but they are not observing the parties that present themselves as the solutions to the crises. The masses are essentially falling for the distraction that is put there as the pretext by which to justify the greater scheme and that is a conspiracy for the cause of militarist nationalism.

Before Hitler took power, there was a real crises that the National Socialists decried. It was not Islam, but rather Bolshevism, which was getting a lot of influence and power in Europe. On June 6th, 1920, German voters made the leftist Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) into the second largest party in Germany. The USPD was pro-soviet and had adopted the slogan of “All power to the Soviets.” The Bolshevik threat in Germany was very real. In 1920, German leftists began paramilitary training in preparation for a civil war. On October 23rd, 1921, the German leftists struck in the city of Hamburg, but their revolt was quickly quelled. But such rebels were backed by the Soviet government which was not going to give up just yet. Soviet troops were put on the Polish border alongside German speaking officers. Meanwhile, German communist militants were springing up in metropolitan centers. The situation got worse in October when the government of Saxony was taken over by “the United Front” coalition which consisted of far-left socialists and also members of the Communist Party who were loyal to the Soviet government. (See Tooze, The Deluge, ch. 22, p. 409; ch. 24, p. 449) So yes, the Bolshevik was indeed real. But who was central in helping to establish Bolshevik power in Russia. It was the Germans.

While the worshippers of Germany praise the Reich’s supposed fight against the Bolsheviks, how many people know that it was Germany who sent Lenin into Russia to sabotage that country with Marxist revolution? Just as Germany created the Bolshevik threat and then used it to justify its own militarism, so today they are using Russia as a pretense to increase its military might. In 2017, Peter E. Uhde wrote an article for the Society for Security Policy entitled, Lenin travels through Germany in 1917, in which he praised an extremely detrimental action of the First World War, in which Germany sent Lenin into Russia to commence the Marxist Bolshevik Revolution, to destabilize and weaken Russia and get it out of the war. Uhde then describes the Brest-Litovsk  meeting of 1918, in which the Communists agreed to sever the Ukraine from Russia. Uhde then laments that the Ukraine was invaded by Russia, thus ending what the Germans accomplished through facilitating the Bolshevik Revolution over a hundred years ago. Uhde writes:

“In October 1917, with the third revolution, the Bolsheviks finally succeeded in seizing power throughout the country, which they further consolidated in the ensuing civil war. The fighting on the eastern front between Germany and Russia was stopped with the truce on 15 December. An epoch with a new era began. The Julian calendar in Russia was replaced by the Gregorian one; January 31 was followed by February 14, 1918. On March 3, 1918, the “dictates peace” of Brest-Litovsk follows. Russia is leaving Poland, the Baltic States, Finland and Ukraine. One hundred years later, part of Ukraine, the Crimea is again Russian territory. The Baltic States Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are members of the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance. Since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, the security interests of the Baltic have come to the fore again. The Alliance bears the bill and stationed troops on the ground, Germany has a leading role.”

Why is he writing this? Because Uhde, and those like him, want to see Germany resume hostilities against Russia.

With this talk, we are reminded of Germany’s history of aggression with Russia, especially in the First World War when Germany was incessantly looking for a reason to go to war with Russia, with Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, stating: “In all events Russia must ruthlessly be put in the wrong.” Always wanting for Germany to appear as the victim, Bethmann also wrote that: “we have got to appear as though the war had been forced upon us.”  (See Fromkin, Europe’s Last Summer, ch. 34, p. 216; ch. 34, p. 213)

General Ludendorff — the military leader of Germany who became a very strong supporter for Adolf Hitler — got the German government to fund the entire Marxist revolution in Russia. This is the other piece of the puzzle that racists do not bring up. They will talk about how many Marxists were Jews, but they don’t bring up the fact that Germany — the nation they adore so much — funded the Bolshevik revolution. Ludendorff wanted to neutralize the Russian forces so that Germany could just concentrate on crushing the French and the British. He knew that an efficient way to sabotage a society was through Marxism.

Ludendorff brought the idea to his colleague, Arthur Zimmermann, who agreed to the scheme. Zimmermann then contacted Alexander Parvus, a Jew and a well connected Marxist. Parvus then visited Lenin himself, who was starving in a shoebox flat next to a sausage factory in Zurich, Switzerland, which was a place for political exiles (not surprisingly, it was also a refuge for Protestant exiles during the Reformation, one of them being Jean Calvin). Parvus straightforwardly asked Lenin if he wanted to help lead a Marxist revolution in Russia. So, there was a German/Bolshevik Jewish conspiracy.

Soon Lenin would be in a train, and arriving in Germany where he was greeted by a delegation of German officials who informed Lenin that he would be receiving 40 million gold marks ($100 million in American) to fund his revolution. When Lenin arrived in Russia, it is said that he whispered these words as a crowd of admirers carried him on their shoulders: “We are the worthy masters of the future”. (See Brownwell, The First Nazi, pp. 97-108) The truth is that Lenin was a slave to his German masters.

But this did not stop the Germans from using the Marxist threat to bolster nationalism. The Germans helped to create the threat of Bolshevism, and then used it to bolster German nationalism. It is quite amazing that one of the industrialists who was instrumental in supplying the munitions for the German military during World War One, was a Jew named Walter Rathenau, who really didn’t seem to be bothered that he was supporting a racist and imperialist government ran by people like Ludendorff and Kaiser Wilhelm II. Moreover, this did not stop Ludendorff from attacking Rathenau for being a Jew, and falsely accusing his sister, Edith, of marrying the Jewish Communist Karl Radek, one of the Marxists who helped the very Bolshevik Revolution that Ludendorff supported (Ibid, p. 198).

The Germans funded and facilitated the Marxist Revolution, then used the threat of Marxism to support militarism and genocide, with Hitler declaring to German troops that “The deadly Jewish-Bolshevik enemy with his masses is beginning his final attack”. (See Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip, ch. 3, p. 43).

When you have extreme Leftism, the response is the extreme opposite. Hence why in the midst of a surge in anarchism and Marxism, Nazism boomed in popularity. Extremism to any side will always be a catalyst to an excessive counter-balance.

In both World War One and World War Two, while the masses were drunk off of nationalism, industrialists were inebriated by the levels of money they were making from weapons sales. This is why it is not surprising to see that it was major industrialists who pushed for Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany, because they knew that a violently nationalist government would bring about a war. There was the Industrielleneingabe or a petition signed by twenty-two major members of industry, finance and agriculture, lobbying for the appointment of Hitler to become chancellor. There was also the Secret Meeting of 20 February 1933 in which Hitler met with numerous industrialists to plan on the financing for the political campaign for the Nazi Party. Ultimately, for the industrialists, it was about making money out of a war. Could it be that the Islamic refugee crises in Sweden was used to bolster the Sweden Democrats who are now pushing for bigger defense spending in Sweden? Would not surprise me at all.

Could it be that the Germans are using the refugee crises, and the fear of Russia to bolster militarism? It would not surprise me at all that the Germans, given their history, brought in the Muslim migrants solely for the purpose of causing a cultural realignment towards militarism and eugenics. From Ludendorff’s pagan nationalism, the German zeitgeist mutated into Nazism, and whatever shape this virus of evil will take next, will — like a virus that has mutated over and over again to the point that it can withstand any vaccine — be deceptive enough to deceive the very elect, while pushing a pagan fury far more evil than anything humanity has seen. But this coming turbulency will be done not just by industrialists, but by the masses under the spell of the perception that they are abiding by a solution for a crises.

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