Jesus' Coming Back

France won’t let rescue ship ‘Aquarius’ dock, disembark migrants – minister

France is not currently ready to let the Mediterranean rescue ship ‘Aquarius’ dock and disembark dozens of migrants at the port of Marseille, Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Tuesday. “For the moment it’s ‘No,’” the minister said, when asked on BFM TV if Paris was ready to respond positively to a request from charities for permission to dock with 58 people on board in the southern French port. Le Maire said ships were supposed to dock at the nearest port under European rules and Marseille was not the nearest. “On matters of migration, the issue must be handled firmly and clearly, and European rules respected,” the minister said. ‘Aquarius 2’ is the one remaining charity rescue vessel still operating in the central Mediterranean area, picking up migrants who are in many cases trying to get to Europe from Libya. In addition to the recent barring of charity groups’ boats at Italian ports, Panama authorities on Monday revoked the ‘Aquarius’ vessel’s registration, Reuters said.

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