Jesus' Coming Back

House GOP to vote on toothless illegal immigrant resolution instead of securing the border

With weeks to go before the midterm elections and polling showing that the Republicans’ signature achievement of the Trump presidency — tax cuts — are unpopular, Republicans feel the need to act to draw some sort of contrast with Democratic lawmakers. The solution offered by House GOP leadership is to vote on and pass what amounts to a strongly worded letter reprimanding local governments for allowing illegal immigrants to vote.

Breitbart News reports House Republicans are preparing to vote on a resolution authored by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., that “states that it is the position of the House of Representatives that allowing illegal aliens the right to vote disenfranchises American citizens.”

Here is the text of the resolution:

Recognizing that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens. Whereas voting is fundamental to a functioning democracy; Whereas the Constitution prohibits discrimination in voting based on race, sex, poll taxes, and age; Whereas it is of paramount importance that the United States maintains the legitimacy of its elections and protects them from interference, including interference from foreign threats and illegal voting; Whereas the Constitution allows States and localities to grant non-citizens the right to vote in non-Federal elections; Whereas the city of San Francisco, California, is allowing non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, to register to vote in school board elections; and Whereas Federal law prohibits non-citizens from voting in elections for Federal office: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives recognizes that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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