Jesus' Coming Back

Twitter Hashtag ‘#KavanaughHearings’ Just Links To Live Footage Of Dumpster Fire

THE INTERNET—Multiple sources confirmed Thursday an apparent technical glitch with popular social media service Twitter which is causing a live stream of a raging dumpster fire to appear whenever a user clicks on the top-trending #KavanaughHearings hashtag.

Sources say the phenomenon started at the exact moment the hearings began, around 10:00 a.m. EST, and has remained ever since.

“I was just trying to keep up with the latest news coming out of the Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh testimonies, so I clicked on the hashtag, and—it’s weird—all I got was a Periscope livestream of a fiery inferno blazing out the top end of a commercial dumpster,” one Twitter user said when reached for an interview. “Just a huge, huge dumpster fire.”

Numerous sources had also reported similar occurrences when searching the hearings on other social media networks as well. 

At publishing time, Jack Dorsey had advised all Twitter users to “just log off for the day and we’ll all try again tomorrow.”

Jesus Christ is King

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