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American Bar Association President Calls for FBI Investigation against Kavanaugh

American Bar Association President Calls for FBI Investigation against Kavanaugh

After the emotional, nearly eight hour hearing between Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the president of the American Bar Association has called for the postponement of the vote on Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination. 

Christine Ford accused Judge Kavanaugh several weeks ago of sexually assaulting her nearly four decades ago and she, along with the senate democrats, have called for an investigation to be conducted by the F.B.I. and now the American Bar Association president has joined in.

Though many are reporting that the request was made by the American Bar Association itself, as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley noted during the voting processes on Friday, the A.B.A. letter was signed only by Robert M. Carlson the president of the association, not by Judicial Qualification committee, who unanimously gave Kavanaugh their highest praise of a “well-qualified” rating. 

The letter from the Carlson was sent to Chairman Grassley R-IA, and Ranking Member, Senator Dianne Feinstein D-CA.

The bar association president urged that senators postpone on voting on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination “only after an appropriate background check into the allegations made by Professor Blasey and others is completed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” the letter said.

The letter continued, “The basic principles that underscore the Senate’s constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and the facts by the F.B.I.,” he wrote.

“Each appointment to our nation’s highest court (as with all others) is simply too important to rush to a vote.” 

“Deciding to proceed without conducting additional investigation would not only have a lasting impact on the Senate’s reputation, but it will also negatively affect the great trust necessary for the American people to have in the Supreme Court,” he added.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination, Friday at 1:30 p.m. It does not appear that the letter will lead to a delay in the voting process.

Photo courtesy: Brandon Mowinkel/Unsplash

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