Jesus' Coming Back

‘Outpouring Of Holy Spirit’ Coincides With Key Change

REDDING, CA—An alleged “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” at Bethlehem Spirit Church coincided exactly with the well-rehearsed and perfectly executed key change in a worship song played at a midweek worship night, sources confirmed.

People were standing with their hands at their sides, lightly swaying to the music, until the key change hit—then “all heaven broke loose.”

“They were just playing the normal song, and it was OK, but when the key changed, that’s when the Spirit really came down, like for reals,” Chloe Benson, 20, told reporters after she had come down from her worship high. “It’s really weird how that always seems to happen. But God moves in mysterious ways, like transposing a key two half-steps higher.”

After the song suddenly moved up from G to A, hands shot up in the air, worshipers fell to their knees, and some people even started rolling around on the ground, “proving that the Spirit is here.”

The church’s supposed “movements of the Holy Spirit” often occur after key changes, during bridges, and when the worship leader instructs people to “really give it up for Jesus,” sources further confirmed at publishing time.

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