Jesus' Coming Back

‘I’ve Picked Up Fetuses’: Former Stericycle Driver Confirms Medical Waste Giant’s Disposal of Aborted Babies

A former driver for America’s largest medical waste company, Stericycle, confirmed in a recent interview with a pro-life organization that the entity does indeed dispose of the bodies of aborted babies despite the company’s claim that it does not, advising that he has personally witnessed workers at an abortion facility drop dead babies and baby parts into a medical waste container before handing it off to him for disposal.

A video recently released by the Ohio-based group Created Equal provides audio footage of the driver, whose anonymity was maintained, outlining that he became concerned that he was hearing one thing from company representatives while seeing another on the job.

“The most disturbing thing for me is [that] in that compliance meeting, this manager, he’s saying, ‘We do not haul fetuses. We don’t haul heads. We don’t haul torsos,’” the man explained. “[But] I have firsthand been into that clinic. I saw them taking a fetus out of the freezer—head, legs, arms—putting it a box and they put a yellow sticker—a shipping label—on it, and that indicates ‘incinerate that box.’”

“The baby they pulled out of the freezer was way bigger than my niece when she was born a premie,” he lamented.

He said that it is just not true that Stericycle does not dispose of aborted babies.

“They’re lying through their teeth when they’re telling you that there’s not fetuses in those boxes, because I’ve been there and I’ve picked up fetuses,” the former Stericycle worker stated.

He contended that there is much money to be made from incinerating the remains of aborted children.

“Normally if something’s incinerated, especially from an abortion clinic, it’s about $800 to $900 per box,” the man said. “The motivation is there, and the motivation is money. Plain and simple.”

However, he explained, sometimes the abortion facilities mislabel the boxes and they end up in the landfill.

“When I first started, there was a white sticker on that container, which that means that [particular] waste can go to the landfill. I knew that it was supposed to have a yellow sticker to be incinerated,” the man recalled. “So, there’s no telling how many body parts are in the landfill.”

“Under the table, they’re getting hundreds of dollars per fetus to destroy them, and that’s the motivation to break the law and meet them off site, that sort of thing,” he said. “There’s a lot of money in burning babies. It’s very, very shady.”

The man said that because he could not assist with picking up the bodies of aborted children any longer, he resigned.

“I couldn’t do it. I resigned yesterday, and I’m turning in my uniforms today because I can’t be associated with that,” he advised.

As previously reported, Stericycle has claimed for years that it does not accept fetal remains for disposal and has denied that it has been engaged in doing so.

However, in 2011, the medical waste giant was fined $42,000 in Texas for dumping fetal remains from Whole Woman’s Health in Austin with household and commercial trash.

“It was explained that medical waste is placed in red biohazard bags, then placed into boxes provided by Stericycle. Each fetus resulting from an abortion is placed into a hard plastic container and then into a red biohazard bag. The bag is then placed into a freezer, where it is stored,” an investigative report from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) outlined.

“When Stericycle arrives to transport the medical waste, the individual fetuses are removed from the freezer and placed into another large red biohazard bag. The red biohazard bag containing the fetuses is placed into the medical waste box along with other medical waste generated at the facility that requires treatment,” it continued. “According to facility representatives and the medical waste manifest reviewed, it appears that Stericycle picks up the waste once per week.”

The Campaign to Stop Stericycle, which, like Created Equal, has been working to expose Stericycle’s collection, transportation and incineration of aborted babies, also notes on its website that grand jury documents surrounding the criminal case of convicted Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell outlined that Gosnell used Stericycle to dispose of aborted babies as well.

“James Johnson, who worked for Gosnell since 2001, testified that his duties included collecting the red biohazard bags of fetal remains and putting them in boxes for pickup by an outside firm, Stericycle,” the Grand Jury Presentment explained.

The Campaign to Stop Stericycle had conducted an investigation into the company’s practices and was told that representatives do not inquire about the contents of the boxes collected at abortion facilities. However, it found that the company provides the facilities with “incinerate only” stickers for “pathological waste” containers—those containing body parts and fluids, just as the the employee in the Created Equal video outlined.

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