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Judiciary Committee Advances Kavanaugh to Senate Floor, FBI to ‘Update’ His File Within Week

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh now faces a full Senate vote, after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 Friday along party lines in favor of advancing his nomination.

First, though, the FBI will supplement its previous six background investigations on Kavanaugh.

The vote came a day after a high-stakes committee hearing where the D.C. Circuit judge defended himself against late-breaking allegations of sexual misconduct.

Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., whose vote was in question, announced Friday morning that he would “vote to confirm” Kavanaugh.

But just before the committee vote shortly before 2 p.m., Flake said his final vote on Kavanaugh was contingent on the FBI’s conducting an investigation of the “current allegations” against Kavanaugh that would be limited to no more than a week.

“I would only be comfortable moving on the floor [after] the FBI has done more investigation than it has done already,” Flake told his colleagues on the committee.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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