Jesus' Coming Back

Rape Is A Serious Crime, But An Allegation Is Not Evidence Of A Crime

Right now, there is an epidemic of “me too” that has permeated throughout the entire country, and has reached the halls of Congress with the recent Kavanaugh circus.

Below is one from a series of messages from a person who I have known for many years. She has claimed for years that she has been raped and sexually abused from the time she was a teenager:

The people she first claimed “sexually abused” her were her own parents. However, as I know this person, what she does is to project her claims of “sexual assault” onto every person that she meets who she gets into conflict with, one of which is a nun (who I also know) that tried for a long time to help her, and now she claims was part of a conspiracy to rape her.

Now her posts online clearly suggest that something is wrong. However, this is just because Facebook has given her an outlet to express without restrain and in a direct manner her clear spiritual and mental illness. I know this person, and until one gets to know her, one would think she was telling the truth to some degree on surface appearance. The clear sickness that she has gradually shows itself the more time one spends with her.

I do not say this at all to slander this person. However, I say this in the light of the recent “me too” rape accusation scandals that now have made national headlines with the entire Kavanaugh circus show.

Rape is a serious crime. However, an accusation of rape is not proof of rape and nor can it be considered as proof. To do so is just as erroneous as it was in the days where black men in the USA would be accused of rape and the proof brought to substantiate the crime was the word of the accuser and NOTHING else. To say that an accusation of a crime is evidence to which the accused must provide evidence to defend himself against without first presenting evidence to support the accusation is objectively unjust as it is absolutely biased against the defendant and in favor of the accuser.

Even though I know the person mentioned above, I have no desire to be around this person at all because of her tendency to accuse others of “rape” when she becomes angry with them. Her history of hospitalization in various institutes for the insane are well-documented, and it would not be hard to provide a defense against her claims. However, I still would not want to be even near somebody who could possibly accuse me of such a crime because of the serious consequences it could have on my life.

Below is a conversation between two different people, both who I have known for years. The first is a very average, unassuming man who is for the most part politically indifferent. The second is a woman who has completely bought into the “me too” movement. Both are Catholic and likewise know each other well:

And another post from the same woman:

For those who follow my work, I have made clear that I could care less about Kavanaugh or the entire clown show of contemporary American politics. My concern is the principles that are being set forth now because, regardless of left or right, the “Overton window,” or that which is perceived to be acceptable, unacceptable, and taboo for discussion in society, has shifted in such a distorted way that it has become a potential legal hazard to engage in what should be normal, unassuming behavior. Such did not happen overnight, but by a series of changes that eventually culminate in an exponential growth of said consequences of the previous actions, at which point it becomes difficult to stop in at least the short-term.

Consider the swinging of a pendulum. If a pendulum is pulled to one extreme and released, it will swing to the opposite extreme, passing between the two points until eventually the pendulum comes to a stop due to gravity. Such it also is in life, where opinions that are made to be objectively extreme in one way can naturally, and quickly, “swing” to an opposite extreme. This is why the Catholic Faith, while it is “radical” in the eyes of the world, adapts what is an objectively “moderated” (not “moderate”) approach to the problems of life, because truth is often found in a balance of views reflected in the natural order. However, this balance has been completely inverted in modern times so that genuine moderation is now regarded as an extreme.

Right now, it is an ostensible fashion to cry “rape” for many to the point it has become a witch hunt.

What happens when the pendulum “swings” back the opposite direction in an attempt to “balance” the imbalance of today?

Balance is not found in objectively “extreme” positions, but in balance, reflecting the order of the One out of which everything was created. This applies to all areas of life.

I will conclude with a story I once heard from a priest who was accused of sexual assault. The woman was serious, and she called police, filed a complaint, and the police visited this priest to interview him. The priest had no idea about the claims, which were made in a state he had never visited, so he was surprised too, and he called his bishop and partook in the interview. When it was time for the woman to be interviewed, the woman made a very consistent story up until the police pressed her for more details about how he raped her in her home. She eventually confessed that the particular priest “jumped out of the television set” to commit the crime. If the woman’s testimony was just accepted without scrutiny, this priest would be in jail.

As it concerns the current “me too” epidemic, one must remember that sexual assault is real and important to acknowledge, but it must be tempered with a calm, thorough review of evidence-based facts and not allegations. Regardless of what one’s intentions are, supporting either extreme- that sexual assault is irrelevant, or believing the claims of those who sexually assault others without evidence comes first- is just as equally wrong.

Jesus Christ is King

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