Jesus' Coming Back

Rubio: Efforts to Intimidate Susan Collins More ‘Vicious, Vile, Dangerous’ Than Reported

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) disparaged efforts by Democrats and left-wing activists to intimidate Sen. Susan Collins as she made her decision on whether to vote in favor of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, describing their tactics as “vicious, vile, and dangerous.”

On Friday evening, Collins delivered an extended defense of Kavanaugh’s record and announced her intention to vote in favor of his confirmation. The decision came as a major blow to left-wing activists who had used threats and intimidation to swing Collins in favor of a no vote after she was identified as one of three moderate Republicans who may cave in to pressure over uncorroborated allegations of sexual assault.

Following her announcement, Rubio took to Twitter to praise Collins’ “strongly held principles” before denouncing the unreported threats leveled at her.

“I don’t just know @Senator Collins from tv, I know her in real life,” Rubio wrote. “No Senator works harder to arrive at the right decision. Sometimes we don’t agree, but I know her decision on difficult questions is based on research & strongly held principles.”

“Most will never know the full extent of the efforts to intimidate & threaten @SenatorCollins on the #Kavanaugh vote,” he continued. “I am not talking about political pressure or people screaming at her in an elevator. I am talking about vicious, vile & dangerous actions. She is legit.”

Evidence of Rubio’s claims is already apparent on Twitter, where engaged leftists described her as a “traitor to women” and a “rape apologist,” while some even demanded she be forever harassed in public as a punishment for her decision.

On Friday morning, President Donald Trump also denounced activists seen screaming at Senators in elevators, describing them as “paid professionals” on the payroll of left-wing billionaire George Soros and other progressive organizations seeking to torpedo Kavanaugh’s nomination.

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