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Conor McGregor Deemed Unfit For Supreme Court Due To Temperament

PARADISE, NV—Celebrity MMA fighter Conor McGregor was reportedly under consideration for a Supreme Court seat but was denied after the Senate Judiciary Committee observed his “rude and frankly disturbing” temperament in a press conference leading up to his fight with Khabib Nurmagomedov.

McGregor has been disqualified from taking Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s rapidly approaching open seat or any other SCOTUS seat that may suddenly open up.

“Frankly, after observing his demeanor screaming expletives and dropping sick burns on his opponents, we’re just not sure he has the temperament to serve on the Court,” said Senator Chuck Grassley. “He literally throws things at people without any regard for, well, anybody.”

“It’s a little scary if I’m being honest.”

Pundits and politicians on both sides of the aisle agreed that McGregor may not be the right fit.

“He’s an absolute delight on camera and in the ring,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein. “But we’re just not sure he’s right for SCOTUS.”

At publishing time, McGregor had disputed the comments suggesting he was unfit to sit on the Supreme Court, calling his critics a long string of expletives.

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