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Kimberly Guilfoyle: If Democrats Win 2018, ‘You Won’t Recognize this Country’

America First Policies Vice Chairwoman Kimberly Guilfoyle warned of Democrat congressional majorities making America unrecognizable. She offered her remarks during a Saturday interview with Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle on a SiriusXM Breitbart News Saturday Special.

Boyle asked Guilfoyle to describe the stakes of 2018’s forthcoming November midterm elections.

“You mentioned that [Democrats] are already talking about trying to impeach Kavanaugh,” said Boyle. “We know that they want to impeach Kavanaugh. They want to impeach Trump. They want to impeach every part of this whole administration. They want to undo everything the voters did. Can you put into perspective for us just how big the stakes are if Nancy Pelosi gets that speaker’s gavel?”

Guilfoyle responded, “You won’t recognize this country. That’s the problem. They are just subversive elements, all the way.”


Guilfoyle noted Rep. Jerry Nadler’s (D-NY) call for an “proper investigation” of “credible accusations” against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, should Democrats secure a House majority in 2018’s midterm elections. He described Kavanaugh as “credibly accused” of sexual assault.

“This is going to be total lawlessness and anarchy,” added Guilfoyle. “And that’s what the Democrats want. I can’t stress enough … this is not your grandfather’s Democrat Party. This is a radicalized power-hungry party that will stoop to any low and level to destroy anybody who tries to align with this president.”

Guilfoyle described the Senate’s confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as evidence that Republicans must “fight back” against their political opponents.

“It’s a great day for America,” said Guilfoyle. “Donald Trump showed us that it is okay to fight back. In fact, he gave a master class in it, and I couldn’t be happier for the country and for Brett Kavanaugh and for his family.”

Guilfoyle continued, “Democrats went to new and really reprehensible lows in terms of this witch hunt against a fine man who has now had seven FBI background investigations. He is a premier justice. He served this country admirably. He’s had an impeccable life.”

Guilfoyle went on, “I cannot believe it was as if the execution came before any shred or scintilla of evidence in this case against Justice Kavanaugh. He held the line with the backing of our president, and was really courageous and fearless and did the right thing.

Guilfoyle said Republicans successfully fought back against “smear tactics” from Democrats.

“I just love the fact that the Republican Party was finally able to fight back,” exclaimed Guilfoyle. “Enough of taking a knee to the Democrats, because if we gave in on this one, then there isn’t really anything to stop them from going forward.”

Guilfoyle described forthcoming midterms as a national referendum on President Donald Trump’s administration.

Guilfoyle remarked, “With midterm elections looming in November, it is imperative that people get out there and vote. Donald J. Trump, our fantastic president, is actually on the ballot in every way, shape, and form.

“[Democrats] want to unseat a duly elected president,” warned Guilfoyle. “They want to reverse all the accomplishments. They want to put crying Chuck Schumer in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi to head the House.”

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