Jesus' Coming Back

Ivanka Trump shuts down rumors of replacing Haley

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump. (photo credit: REUTERS)


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WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump’s daughter and senior adviser, Ivanka Trump, publicly removed herself from consideration on Tuesday to be Ambassador Nikki Haley’s replacement at the United Nations.

Rumors swirled that the first daughter was under consideration almost immediately as news broke of Haley’s resignation earlier in the day. At the White House, both Haley and the president praised her as a potent force behind the scenes.

“It is an honor to serve in the White House alongside so many great colleagues and I know that the president will nominate a formidable replacement for Ambassador Haley,” Ivanka said on Twitter. “That replacement will not be me.”

Before departing the White House for Iowa, the president characterized his daughter as “dynamite” and competent for the job, but expressed concern that he would be accused of nepotism for naming a family member to the cabinet-level post. The Senate must confirm his nominee for the ambassadorship.

Trump also told reporters he would consider Dina Powell, his former deputy national security adviser. The Egyptian-born American worked closely with Trump’s Middle East policy team on its plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Also under consideration, according to right-wing media, is Richard Grenell, currently US ambassador to Germany and a favorite of the president’s isolationist base.

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