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***Live Updates*** Trump Holds Kentucky Rally

President Donald Trump will hold a campaign rally in Kentucky on Saturday evening as he barnstorms across the nation to help Republicans in key races.

Trump will campaign for Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) at Eastern Kentucky University’s (Richmond campus) Alumni Coliseum.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern.

8:39 PM: Crowd can’t get enough Trump:

8:22 PM: Trump asks the crowd to vote for Barr because “a vote for a Republican Congress is a vote for more jobs, more wealth, and more products made right here in the good ol’ USA… it’s a vote to respect our laws and to respect the heroes of law enforcement. They are heroes. And a vote for Republicans is a vote to reject the Democrat politics of hatred, anger, and division… and to celebrate the greatness and glory of being an American.”

8:20 PM: Trump says he needs more Republicans in Congress so he can appoint more “pro-constitution judges.” Crowd roars after Trump talks about respecting and proudly standing up for the national anthem.

8:17 PM: Trump, as always, enthusiastically talking about his Space Force. “Now they have to do it,” he says. “I put ’em on the spot.” He says the Space Force is one of his biggest applause lines. He says Russia and China have started but we make the greatest “rockets and missiles and tanks in the world.”

8:15 PM: Trump telling the audience about his VA reforms. He says veterans were not sick while they were in line but were “terminally ill” by the time they finally were able to see a doctor.

8:11 PM: Trump talking about prescription drugs. He’s says he’s going get prices “way down” and will upset a lot of people who have made “a fortune.” He is now talking about Right to Try legislation as he always does on the stump.

“I hope nobody has to use it in this room,” Trump says.

8:08 PM: Crowd cheers as Trump talks about replacing NAFTA with USMCA. Trump says “even Chuck Schumer liked it” after quipping that Democrats won’t support his deals if they are too good. He now talks about “cracking down” on China re: trade. Trump calls Xi the “absolute head of China.” He says we have rebuilt China. He says he doesn’t blame China. He blames “our past leaders because they should have never let it happen.”

8:06 PM: Trump says he’s afraid the people of Kentucky are “winning too much.” “You all know how to win,” Trump says. “Those horses win.”

7:56 PM: Trump again says the Democrats’ new slogan is “radical socialism” and “abolish ICE.” He says Democrats want to turn America into one big sanctuary city for illegal alien gangsters like MS-13. Trump claims the only immigration policy Democrats support is “catch and release.” He says it’s “ridiculous” because “they never show up.”

“We have the dumbest immigration laws in the world. The world laughs at us, but we are getting them changed,” Trump says before saying he needs more Republicans to help him end catch and release and the visa lottery.

“Names. You pick ’em out. Coming to the United States…. These countries set up lotteries… Do you really believe they are giving us their finest?… This was Chuck Schumer’s special deal,” Trump says. “How crazy.”

Trump now blasting chain migration (talking about the West Side Highway truck terror attack). “I don’t want a chain,” Trump says. “I want people to come into this country on a merit-based system.”
7:54 PM: Trump says Barr’s election could make the difference between “unbelievable continued success” and two more years of fighting Democrats. Trump says “this could be the most important race” in the country. Trump says a majority of House Democrats have signed up for socialist health care that doesn’t work anywhere in the world. He says people will have to wait five months just to see a doctor.

“They want to outlaw the private insurance plans of 2.5 million Kentucky residents,” Trump says. “The Democrat plan would terminate Medicare and Medicare Advantage for nearly 250,000 Kentucky seniors who depend on it.”

7:45 PM: Trump now praising Governor Matt Bevin before saying “we’re here for a truly special guy.” Trump about to introduce Barr. Trump calls Barr a “special guy.” He says he came to Kentucky because he loves Kentucky and “Andy Barr is a great Congressman.” Trump says a vote for Barr is a vote for “Kentucky values.” He calls Barr’s opponent “an extreme liberal” who was “chosen by Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters-that’s a real beauty-and a radical Democrat mob.”

Barr says Eastern Kentucky University is the “most pro-veteran university.”

Crowd chants “build the wall” after Barr says we need to build the border wall. Barr says he told Trump about the drug problem in Kentucky and Trump listened. Barr calls Trump “a man of action.” “Other people resist, but this president gets results,” he says.

Trump also added before introducing Barr that McConnell will go down as the greatest leader in history and implies that’s only because Trump became president.

Trump mocks Clinton’s “I’m with her” slogan (says she paid a lot to come up with it)… Trump says “Make America Great Again” is the greatest slogan anybody will ever come up with… he then says in 2020, his campaign’s slogan will be “Keep America Great.”

7:41 PM: Trump says he told Rand Paul that he needs to get his wife on television more because she’s become the biggest star in the family.

“There’s something that happens to you when you grow up in Kentucky, I guess,” Trump says after praising McConnell and Paul.

Trump says the “spry” and “young” Paul is a “Senator of common sense.”

Paul jokes that he could take “20 or 30 minutes” because Trump is tired.

7:38 PM: Crowd boos after Trump warns that Nancy Pelosi and “cryin’ Chuck Schumer” intend to raise taxes and impose socialism, shut down coal mines “in about two minutes,” “make life unaffordable,” “destroy your second amendment,” and open the borders to deadly drugs and ruthless gangs if they take over Congress. Trump says Democrats are the “party of crime” while “Republicans are the party of safety” and “jobs, jobs, jobs.”

“You can either vote for Democrat mob rule or you can vote for a Republican party that stands proudly for law and order, fairness, freedom, and justice,” Trump says.

7:36 PM: McConnell talks about 86 new federal judges this Congress. He says that’s a record and those judges are going to change the court system.

“We’ll be running together in 2020. That’ll be a lot of fun,” Trump says after talking about how much McConnell loves the Bluegrass State.

7:35 PM: Trump calls McConnell “Kentucky tough” before calling him up to the stage. McConnell asks, “Aren’t we proud of President Trump?”

7:32 PM: Trump on Kavanaugh: “Never has a man been treated so badly.” Crowd roars after Trump talks about swearing in Kavanaugh on Monday. Crowd chanting “Kavanaugh.”

“What happened to him was so unfair. I’ve never seen anything like it. We stuck with him all the way because we knew the facts,” Trump says, adding that Paul and McConnell stuck with him–“no doubt about it.”

Trump says “what the crazy radical Democrats did to Justice Kavanaugh was national disgrace.”

7:31 PM: Trump now jokes that he’d like to walk into a rally one day without the fake-news media. Trump says he has produced more than the promises he made. “We’ve all produced it together,” Trump says, name-checking “Mitch” and “Rand.”

But Trump says “we need more Republican votes” because “if somebody has a cold, we don’t have a majority.”

7:29 PM: Trump: “Despite our size, America is now the hottest country anywhere in the world. This is where people want to be.” Trump says China “has to treat us fairly” after saying they’ve “dropped about $20 trillion” since he took office.

7:28 PM: Trump says median household income is at an all-time high and unemployment at a 50-year low. He talks about eliminating job-killing regulations and ending the war on “clean, beautiful coal.” Crowd roars.

“We’re putting our miners to work like never before. They’re going back, back, back,” Trump says. He says we are building the nation with American iron, aluminum and steel.

7:26 PM: Trump also wants to thank Kentucky for his 2016 win. “That was fast,” he says of his huge win. Trump says we don’t want Democrats “coming from a different place” getting into office because they will just “obstruct.” Trump says America is “booming,” “thriving,” and “winning again because we are finally putting America first.”

7:24 PM: Trump now speaking about Hurricane Michael and thanking FEMA, the National Guard, first responders, law enforcement, and all the federal employees helping with the recovery.

7:23 PM: Crowd chanting “USA! USA!” Trump says that “just hours ago, we celebrated another tremendous victory for the American people.”

Trump talks about welcoming pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkey after saying the country is having a lot of victories.

“We don’t pay ransom,” Trump says after thanking the people of Turkey and Turkish President Erdogan.

7:22 PM: Another raucous crowd. As Barr said earlier, Trump would have filled up Rupp Arena.

7:20 PM: Trump is about to take the stage minutes after the some exciting MLB (Go Blue!) and college football (Roll Tide! Big cheers as well in Eugene and East Lansing) action.

6:45 PM:

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