Jesus' Coming Back

Raging roo: Woman savagely beaten by massive marsupial

An Australian woman has been left with broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and other internal injuries after a brutal showdown with a 6-foot kangaroo. Queensland woman Linda Smith has retold the horrific moment the monster roo struck.

Smith works as an animal carer, telling local media that she feeds around 30 kangaroos and wallabies at their rural property every night as food is scarce due to the drought. Saturday night seemed like any other night… until the monster Grey turned up.

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The massive kangaroo kicked her husband Jim onto his back, with Smith trying to break up the brawl with “a broom and a piece of bread,” but the mammoth marsupial turned on her instead.

It was a blow from a shovel, delivered by Linda’s son, that drove the kangaroo back and allowed the family to scarper and call for help.

The stricken woman was taken to hospital where she is expected to have surgery to treat her injuries. Her son suffered minor injuries and her husband, Jim, suffered “significant lacerations” from the giant roo.

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