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Van Hollen: Trump ‘Belittling’ Sexual Assault Survivors During Kavanaugh Battle ‘Energized’ Dems

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) said President Donald Trump comments about Christine Blasey Ford during the battle to confirm Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh “energized a lot of Democrats.”

Van Hollen said, “When you have the president of the United States at big rallies belittling Dr. Ford, he is belittling all those survivors of sexual assault and I don’t think people like what they see.”

He added, “I don’t think Democrats overreached. Democrats wanted a thorough FBI investigation, in the end, it was Mitch McConnell who really cut that short did not allow a full investigation. What I’ve seen, actually, is that the Kavanaugh hearings have actually energized a lot of Democrats, especially younger voters and women voters, yes, they energized some Republicans. Just goes to show that turn out to really important in these midterm elections.”

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