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Pastors to Hold “Blessing” of Ohio Planned Parenthood Facility

Pastors to Hold “Blessing” of Ohio Planned Parenthood Facility

A group of Ohio pastors will gather next month to “bless” an abortion clinic. The Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice will host the even on November 9that Planned Parenthood of Ohio’s East Columbus Surgical Center. 

The event will “ask God’s blessing upon Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s East Columbus Surgical facility, the abortion providers and staff, and all those who pass through the center.” Organizers of the “interfaith gathering want to show that “Anti-abortion advocates do not have a monopoly on faith or God” and that “Many faith leaders and people of faith hold that accessing and providing abortions are good and godly decisions.

The “blessing” will feature prayers, “testimonies about receiving and providing abortion care,” and a message from Rev. Susan K. Smith of Crazy Faith Ministries.

The Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice claims to work for a “just society,” which in their view is defined as “one where people can live according to their beliefs without coercion. The Coalition says that it seeks “to raise the voices of the faith community to ensure that all people can access the reproductive healthcare they need. Regardless of income, race, or background. Free from judgment and intimidation.”

The Coalition joins other pro-abortion advocates who use moral and religious language to argue for unfettered access to abortion. Last month, Chelsea Clinton told Sirius XM’s “Signal Boost” that going back to the days before Roe v. Wade is “unconscionable to me, and also, and I’m sure this will unleash another wave of hate in my direction, but as a deeply religious person, it’s also unchristian to me.”

Clinton also spoke about religion and abortion during her mother’s Presidential campaign in 2016. She revealed in an interview that she left her father’s Baptist church when she was six-years-old because of something a Sunday school teacher said about abortion.

The President of the pro-life advocate Created Equal, Mark Harrington, told LifeNews that using moral and religious language to argue for abortion goes against biblical teachings. He said, “To suggest that God advocates for the shedding of innocent blood is blasphemous. Then he added, “Abortion is a frontal attack on this made in His image–human beings. Authentic ministers of God oppose the killing of the preborn, they don’t promote it.” 

The Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights claims that they will be conducting more events at abortion clinics across the state this fall.

Photo courtesy: Juan Pablo Rodriguez/Unsplash

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