Jesus' Coming Back

Pizza Shop Manager Drives 3 Hours to Bring Dying Man His Favorite Pizza

Pizza Shop Manager Drives 3 Hours to Bring Dying Man His Favorite Pizza

A Steve’s Pizza manager named Dalton Shaffer drove three hours across state lines to deliver pizza to a dying man. 

Shaffer is a manager at a pizza place called Steve’s Pizza in Battle Creek, Michigan, where Richard and Julie Morgan use to live decades ago. According to CBN News, the couple loved the pizza at Steve’s, even going as far as to say no other pizza compared.

When the couple learned that Richard’s cancer was progressing quickly and he was losing his fight to the disease, they reached out to friends and family members to inform them he would be going under hospice care. 

In a statement on Facebook Julie wrote, “Rich is home under hospice care and we are enjoying every minute reminiscing and visiting with family and friends.”

In an effort to do something special for the couple in their time of need, Julie’s father called Steve’s Pizza, and knowing how loved the restaurant was to his daughter and her dying husband, he asked them if they could send a card. Shaffer, however, had a different plan.

Julie wrote, “Unbeknownst to us, my dad contacted Steve’s Pizza and spoke to Dalton, a manager there. He told Dalton a little bit about our situation and asked if the shop might send a friendly text or card to us. Without hesitation, Dalton asked what kind of pizza we wanted, and told my father he would bring it to us.”

The couple lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, three hours and across state lines from Steve’s Pizza, which according to Julie, does not ordinarily deliver. 

In her statement, Julie said, “My dad clarified that we were in Indianapolis, at least three and a half hours away from Battle Creek. Dalton said he understood that, and would leave after he closed the store. And so, while Rich and I slept, at 2:30 AM, Dalton rolled into our driveway, left the car running and delivered two extra special pizzas to my waiting family.”

CBN News reports that Shaffer offered his prayers to the couple, understanding that the weight of their trial was heavy, and then headed back to Michigan.

“I am beyond overwhelmed and humbled by this act of genuine kindness. Dalton brought our family so much joy – and the best pizza in the world – at a really difficult time,” Julie said.

For Shaffer, it seemed like an easy choice. He told NBC Today, “I really didn’t think twice about it. It was a spontaneous reaction from me I guess. When I rolled into the driveway at about 2:30, 2:40, the family was waiting up for me. The dad was there, and he came out and he gave me a hug.”

Shaffer called people to pray for the couple saying, “I just would like anybody reading or whatever to just think of the family. Ya know, pray for them. They’re going to be going through a hard time.”

Photo courtesy: Kristina Bratko/Unsplash

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