Jesus' Coming Back

The Bombs Sent To Obama, Clinton And Soros Were Not Sent By ISIS

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat

Pipe Bombs have been sent to Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and George Soros. One of the pipe bombs have been seen with an ISIS flag:

A report from the Chicago Tribune says:

Crude pipe bombs targeting Hillary Clinton, former President Barack ObamaCNNand others were intercepted Tuesday night and Wednesday in a rash of attacks two weeks before nationwide elections that could reshape Congress and serve as a referendum on the first two years of President Donald Trump‘s presidency.

The devices, which officials said shared a similar design, were aimed at prominent Democrats and a cable news network often criticized by political conservatives. A similar device was found Monday at the New York compound of liberal billionaire George Soros, a major contributor to Democratic causes.

A report from RT states:

CNN’s Jim Acosta has shared images of a crude pipe bomb mailed to the network’s New York studio. Twitter users have zoomed in the image and said they appear to show an ISIS flag.

The photos show a rudimentary pipe bomb, delivered in a brown manila envelope to the Time Warner Center in New York City, home to CNN’s studios. Curiously, the package was addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan, who now regularly appears on CNN to bash President Trump.

But we further looked at the “ISIS flag” on the pipe bomb and it looks more like this:

So we know that it was not ISIS that sent it. ISIS would never desecrate the Shahadatan. So why send this? You could say that it was all a joke, and this is possible. Its also possible that this was done in order to cause political polarization in the society. Most people, when they see the picture of the pipe bomb with the parodied ISIS flag, will think that it is indeed an ISIS flag. People on Trump’s side will think, HILLARY CLINTON AND GEORGE SOROS AND OBAMA WANT TO FLOOD AMERICA WITH ISLAMIC MIGRANTS AND THE MUSLIMS WANT TO KILL THEM!!! The other side, the anti-Trump side, will think that it is right-wing terrorism trying to target their liberal idols.

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