Jesus' Coming Back

Florida courthouse evacuated due to suspicious ‘device with wires’

Authorities report that the Polk County courthouse in Bartow, FL has been evacuated after officials found a suspicious device with wires coming out of it in three canisters.

About a dozen inmates were transported out of the jail, but no one else was allowed in or out of the building. Bomb dogs are reported to be searching the courthouse and the State Fire Marshall has been called to the scene.

Federal investigators currently suspect the 10 bombs mailed to prominent Democrats and other public figures in the past few days originated in south Florida, where the courthouse is located. Sources cited by various media are now saying all 10 devices were delivered through the US postal system.

The packages are currently being analyzed at FBI labs in Quantico, VA. Law enforcement is beefing up its presence in south Florida in an effort to apprehend the culprit(s), but the investigation continues nationwide. FBI, ATF, and Secret Service agents are attempting to track down where the bomb components were purchased.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and actor Robert DeNiro were the latest to join the list of package recipients, placing them in the company of other prominent Trump critics including the Clintons, Obamas, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, and George Soros.


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