Jesus' Coming Back

Migrant Caravan Marching To U.S. Borders SWELLS TO 14,000 As Trump Readies Federal Response

The migrant caravan marching through Mexico to the U.S. border has grown to more than 14,000, one Mexican news outlet reports, and President Trump is readying a federal response if needed.

Although the group of migrants that set off from Honduras two weeks ago numbered about 2,000, the number has been growing in the last weeks, topping 14,000 now, El Universal reported.

The news outlet said that the new estimate of marchers comes from “municipal authorities,” the Catholic Diocese in the Mexican city of Tapachula, and the Mexican National Migration Institute.

“The first group walked for 37 kilometers from Ciudad Hidalgo to Tapachula on Sunday afternoon and was comprised by 5,333 children, women and men,” El Universal reported. Then 3,000 more men, women and children started “to walk under the rain.”

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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