Jesus' Coming Back

Child’s Hitler Halloween costume unleashes storm of controversy (PHOTO)

A Kentucky father has been barracked into an apology after his Nazi themed halloween family photo unleashed a barrage of criticism on social media.

After initially taking a belligerent stance Kentucky man Brant Goldbach now says that he regrets dressing his five-year-old son as Adolf Hitler for the family photo, in which he was dressed as a Nazi soldier.

READ MORE: ‘Halloween draws children to Satan & suicide,’ must be banned in Russian schools – pro-Christian MP 

Goldbach posted photos of the Halloween costumes during a local trick or treat event on Thursday. He initially attempted to justify the costumes by saying that he and his son love dressing as “historical figures” and he condemned those who approached and threatened him and his son during the party.

Anyone who knows us knows that we love history, and often dress the part of historical figures,” he wrote in the now deleted post.

Tonight as we walked we saw people dressed as murderers, devils, serial killers, blood and gore of all sorts. Nobody batted an eye. But my little (son) and I, dress as historical figures, and it merits people not only making snide remarks, but approaching us and threatening my little 5-year-old boy.

READ MORE: Hitler, KKK & blackface: ‘Politically incorrect’ student party ignites scandal in Australia (PHOTOS)

Unsurprisingly people didn’t take kindly to the Goldbach’s costume choice and countless people took to social media to berate the father.

This poor guy dressed himself and his kids as historical figures for halloween and got a load abuse. unbelievable, the costumes can’t be that ba…. okay never mind,” Twitter user Dan Hett joked.

Following the backlash the jewelry store owner later apologized for his actions and said he didn’t realize the costume would “stir so much controversy.” He admitted he hadn’t thought the costume through and conceded it was in “bad taste.”

I think it was in bad taste for me to let my child to wear that, probably for me to wear that. It didn’t occur to me. I thought it was a bad decision on my part,” said Goldbach to the

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