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Trump considering a plan to block ports of entry to migrants, including asylum seekers, on the U.S.-Mexico border

Officials discuss closing crossing points; president tells caravan to ‘go back to your country’’

The Trump administration is considering a plan to block ports of entry to migrants, including asylum seekers, on the U.S.-Mexico border, with several options expected to be delivered to the Department of Homeland Security on Friday, according to a federal law-enforcement official familiar with the discussions.

The official said no decisions had been made, but that the option of blocking entry is being discussed by officials within the Department of Homeland Security.

A White House official said Thursday that the administration was mulling a “wide range of administrative, legal and legislative options” to address illegal immigration, but said no decisions had been reached. The official offered no specifics on what measures the administration was considering and gave no timeline for a decision.

The law-enforcement official said homeland security officials are also updating decades-old plans to deal with mass migration.

The consideration of the plan—first reported by the New York Times—comes as a caravan of thousands of migrants, currently more than 1,000 miles from the U.S.-Mexican border, moves northward, which has drawn the ire of President Trump in the last week. Blocking entry to migrants on the border would mark Mr. Trump’s most aggressive effort to date to halt illegal immigration, a subject about which he has ramped up his criticism ahead of next month’s midterm elections.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links to a related stories below:

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Trump Considers Shutting Down Southern Border, Set To Send 1,000 Troops There To Thwart Migrant Caravan

Trump Considering Completely Shutting Down The Border — No Asylum

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