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Caravan: El Salvadorans Headed to U.S. with Ineligible Asylum Claims

El Salvador nationals traveling with an at least 7,000-strong migrant caravan which is headed to the United States are detailing crime and poverty as their reasons for fleeing the country, both of which are ineligible asylum claims.

El Salvadorans with the caravan, the Associated Press admits, are traveling through Mexico to the U.S. to escape gangs, crime, and poverty — none of which are eligible asylum claims:

A quarter of young Salvadorans who flee do so because they are threatened with or fear violence. Young women are pressured to be “girlfriends” of gang members and face rape or murder if they refuse, while young men are pressured to join the gangs or risk death if they don’t. Two out of three Salvadorans never attend high school. [Emphasis added]

The International Organization for Migration says most Salvadorans migrate for economic reasons. Per capita income is $324 a month and nearly one in three Salvadorans lives in poverty, according to the World Bank, defined as less than $5.50 a day. [Emphasis added]

Many rely on remittances from family members abroad. Salvadorans in the United States sent $5 billion back home last year, amounting to nearly 16 percent of gross domestic product. [Emphasis added]

Thanks to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former President Obama’s loosening of “credible fear” claims have been tightened to exclude foreign nationals fleeing gang violence, crime and domestic abuse.

Allowing such claims by foreign nationals would give the entire population of Central America — about 32 million people — the right to migrate to the U.S. as the region is rife with gang violence and crime.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, migrants with the caravan have repeatedly admitted that they are traveling to the U.S. to seek jobs, re-enter the U.S. as previously deported illegal aliens, and flee crime. None of these cases are eligible asylum claims.

President Trump is expected to sign an executive order this week that will halt the caravan entering the U.S. on the legal grounds of national security.

Less than six months ago, a similar migrant caravan was allowed to cross into the U.S. with weak asylum claims despite threats from President Trump to close down the border. Many migrants from that caravan are now illegal aliens living in the U.S. as they await their asylum hearings.

Currently, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants every year, with more than 70 percent coming to the country through the process known as “chain migration,” whereby newly naturalized citizens are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country.

The mass illegal and legal importation of mostly low-skilled foreign workers is a boon to big business and Wall Street, but results in decades of poor job growth, stagnant wages, and increased public costs for working and middle-class Americans.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

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