Jesus' Coming Back

Man Who Works In Construction For Only $13 A Day Leaves Honduras For America To Find Better Life

By Theodore Shoebat

A man in Honduras has said that he left his home country and is heading to America for a better life. He said that he was working construction for, at most, $13 a day. In such conditions, it is not surprising why he would want to come to America. As we read in one report from the Independent:

Jose Hernandez came from the northern coastal city of La Ceiba. He too had left behind three children, two of whom were being cared for by his ex-wife, and a son his mother was looking after. He said he had worked in construction and as a carpenter but daily wages for such jobs ranged from $8-13 (£6.25-10.15).

“We have no work. Everything is broken,” he said, sitting with friends outside a convenience store in Pijijiapan, as they hoped to grab a ride.

He said he had friends in Houston who entered the US legally, which he wanted to do. Those who could not enter legally had to resort to coyotes or people smugglers, who charged between $3,000-$4,500.

How could somebody in Honduras afford such an amount? “You sell everything you have – your phone, your house, everything. Because the idea is you will be able to replace it when you get to the other side.” He added: “Sometimes, you can pay half in advance and then half when you get there … In the case of Trump [threatening to shut the border], I have a lot of faith in God. I hope that he’s going to say ‘Here is your opportunity’.”

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