Jesus' Coming Back

Cannibal Drug Cartel Boss Demands That His Soldiers Do Not Torture Victims Too Much Because He Only Wants To Eat ‘Tender’ Meat, Demands ‘Choice’ Custom Cuts Of Human Flesh, Served In Tamales With Lemon Or On Toast

Information about a major drug cartel boss who has since been killed by police has emerged. Many drug terrorists were afraid of him because he was a cannibal who used to order that his victims would not be tortured too much because he enjoyed ‘tender’ meat. He would have the victims methodically butchered and would consume only choice cuts of human meat, which he would only eat in tamales with lemon, pozole, or served on toast:

The Lazca, the sinister cannibal delicacies of the ex-leader of Los Zetas, Juan Sánchez Limón was one of the important men of Heriberto Lazcano, alias El Lazca, and during a conversation he held with the journalist Jesús Lemus, which was transcribed in one of his books, the inmate of the maximum security federal prison in Puente Grande, Jalisco, narrated various scenes of cruelty bordering on brutality.

This inmate was the head of the Los Zetas criminal group in some of the country’s entities such as Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and Jalisco. In his talk, Sánchez Limón recalled the way he met El Lazca, when both were part of the Mexican militia in the 1990s.

He was a type to all m% $ #%. He did not walk with chin & $%, the net is that he was strict but very benevolent. Very intelligent, he has a photographic memory, he does not forget anything and never leaves anyone without giving him an answer to the favor he asks. He will know how he does it but he always supports his people. ”

As often happens with members of organized crime, urban legends about certain luxuries and eccentricities were also questioned by the journalist towards the inmate; however, he explained that some things were real, like a ranch with exotic animals.

Ay pin # $% journalist, you and your mam $ &%, everything is people’s imagination, you can not see a man that grows within society because then they make it a myth. After a while they will say that the children are eaten alive. I know he has a ranch with a zoo, but I have not known that he lifts his enemies to the lions; to those rather executes them quickly. He rather eats his enemies. ”

When he spoke specifically about what El Lazca was doing with his enemies, he left the journalist speechless as well as all those who are reading this.

He did not torture them very much, he ate them what it is to eat, swallow then, so that you understand me “[sic].

According to this interview, the witness was present at several meetings in which El Lazca ate human flesh, mainly from his fallen rivals.

He had meetings in which after prosecuting someone and sentencing him to the death penalty he is ordered to bathe thoroughly, even to shave his entire body. After that he let her relax for two or three hours; I even gave them a bottle of whiskey to relax them better. Then he ordered his death quickly, so that there would be no segregation of adrenaline and the flesh would not get bitter or hard. ”

As if it were an authentic horror movie, the Los Zetas prisoner detailed the way in which they prepared human flesh to be eaten by El Lazca.

The Lazca liked to eat human flesh in tamales and cooked in lemon, on toast, as if it were tartar meat. ”

In spite of the disturbing, morbid and disgusting that sounds, the defendant indicated that he did not eat all the parts of the body unlike the Monster of Ecatepec.

He only ate his buttock and the chamorro; from there they take out the steaks to prepare the food. One time he made an inn in Ciudad Victoria, and that time he ordered pozole and tamales. Those who put the meat were three Central Americans who went over ready. I had to see how they were prepared to put them in the pozole and tamales. ”

Jesús Lemus spent three and a half years in the Puente Grande prison for having committed the crime of organized crime in 2008 when he was director of the El Tiempo newspaper in Michoacán.

During that time he was tortured but also had the opportunity to collect experiences of the ‘celebrities’ of organized crime in Mexico such as Daniel Arizmendi, El Mochaorejas, Alvaro Darío de León Avilés, El Duby, a member of the narcosatánicos, and even El Chapo Guzmán and his escape.

Jesus Lemus’s narrative of El Lazca gained strength after reporter Alfredo Corchado, correspondent for the Dallas Morning News newspaper, stated in one of his works that Miguel Treviño Morales, leader of Los Zetas, was a believer in santería and carried out practices such as eat the hearts of their victims with the goal of ‘feeling more powerful’.

The Lazca was killed in Progreso, Coahuila, in 2012 during a confrontation with elements of the Federal Police. (source)

In the film The Silence Of The Lambs, character Hannibal played by actor Anthony Hopkins famously speaks of “eating his liver with a side of fava beans and a nice chianti” regarding one of the victims in the film:

The difference is the film is a depiction of reality, whereas the reality is far more horrifying.

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