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***Live Updates*** Trump Holds Florida Rally for DeSantis, Scott

President Donald Trump will hold a Wednesday evening rally in Florida for Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis and Senate candidate Rick Scott.

Trump will hold ten more rallies leading up to next Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern.

8:27 PM: Trump puts his hand over his heart and says he will continue to stand up for the national anthem

8:26 PM: “We will finally end birthright citizenship,” Trump says. He says it’s costing billions of dollars and he brought it up even though people didn’t want him to do so.

8:25 PM: Trump again touts his Space Force in Florida. He says Republicans will protect Social Security and Medicare. Trump points out that he was the only candidate who said on the debate stage during the  2016 primaries that he would not mess around with Social Security.

8:20 PM: Trump blasts Democrats for supporting “insane” catch and release.

8:17 PM: Trump says Democrats want to give automatic birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants because of this “crazy” policy. He says Harry Reid opposed automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants before Democrats and Harry Reid went “crazy.”

Trump talks about “birth tourism” and says Congress has never passed a law requiring birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. Trump claims since illegal immigrants are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, the Constitution doesn’t mandate it either. He says this is for the media as the crowd chants “USA! USA!”

8:15 PM: Trump says he never sees Nelson around Florida until six months before his reelection. Trump says Democrats will give illegal aliens health care at the expense of seniors. Trump says Democrats will hurt Hispanics and promises to protect pre-existing conditions.

Trump says Democrats are encouraging illegal aliens to violate laws and “overwhelm our country” to sign them up for free health care, free education, and the right to vote.

8:13 PM:  “Andrew Gillum wants to take a wrecking ball to one of the most successful economies anywhere in the world,” he says, talking about raising taxes and increasing regulations. Trump says Gillum is “weak on corruption” and “wants to throw open your borders” to human traffickers and illegal immigrant gangsters.

Trump says Gillum supports sanctuary cities, wants to abolish ICE and signed a pledge to erase borders.

“Andrew Gillum is too extreme for the people of Florida,” Trump says. “He’s also weak on crime.”

Trump says the people of Florida are going to “reject socialism”and elect DeSantis and Scott.

8:11 PM: DeSantis wonders “maybe we should impeach Gillum as mayor of Tallahassee.” Crowd chants “lock him up.” DeSantis mocked Gillum for wanting to impeach Trump when he is under investigation for extreme corruption. He pledges to end “judicial activism in Florida once and for all”  and protect second amendment rights.

8:10 PM: DeSantis: “As governor, I will never allow Florida to be a sanctuary state.”

8:06 PM: DeSantis says he’s the only candidate for governor who has served the country… is the only one who “ain’t going to raise your taxes.” He says he’s also the only candidate who can say he is not under an FBI corruption investigation.

“Andrew Gillum wants to raise taxes by 40 percent,” DeSantis says. “That will cost jobs. Cost us business. Stop the investments into Florida. We can’t let that happen.”

DeSantis says he will stand by law enforcement and protect Florida’s communities.

He says Gillum is a “failed mayor” and Tallahassee last year had the highest number of murders in history.

“He cannot keep Florida safe,” DeSantis says, pointing out that Gillum signed an anti-police pledge, wants to abolish ICE, wants sanctuary cities, and wants open borders.

8:05 PM: Trump says Florida’s economy is one of the hottest in the world and DeSantis will keep it that way — taxes will go “way down” and jobs will go “way up.”

8:00 PM: Scott reminds Floridians that Nelson has been in office for over 40 years and has voted for higher taxes 300+ times. He says Nelson is for “catch and release.” Trump says a vote for Nelson is a vote  for Schumer, who wants to enact Pelosi’s radical agenda.

7:55 PM: Trump praises Scott and says he turns problems into assets. Trump now sends prayers to the people of the panhandle. He says Scott is one of the best governors in the state’s history.

7:51 PM: New midterm frame from Trump–he says the election is about “greatness and gridlock.”

7:47 PM: Trump says Republicans wan’t strong borders, no crime, no chaos and no caravan. Democrats, he says, want open borders and want to invite caravan after caravan which brings crime upon crime. He says a vote for Democrats is to “liquidate” America’s borders and let drugs pour across the border.

7:46 PM: Trump reminds voters that Pelosi wants to raise taxes and what they have built is fragile.

7:43 PM: Trump says that is why 33% believe that fake news, and he hates to say it, “is the enemy of the people.” He says the left-wing media doesn’t want to solve problems and want to instead “stoke resentment.”

“Our movement is about safe homes, great jobs for every citizen. Our movement is about love for our fellow Americans. Our movement is for… anyone who wants to build a better future. You can do it right here in the U.S.A. Right here,” Trump says.

7:39 PM: Trump says yesterday’s visit to Pittsburgh was about unity and then he came home and saw that “the far left media once again used tragedy to sow anger and division.” He said he was looking forward to the coverage as the crowd chants “CNN Sucks! CNN Sucks!”

He says they “sadly” took “a small group of protesters” and tried to divide Americans.

“They did everything in their power to play it up and push people apart. They are pushing people apart. It was fake and it was make-believe what they said…I came home, was look forward to seeing it… it was sad. When we talk about division, this is a big part of the division, right here,” Trump says. “The far-left media has spread terrible lies and stories about the Trump administration and the tens of millions of people who make up our great movement–the greatest political movement in the history of our country.” Trump says the media do not want Americans to hear their stories.

Trump says the movement “is about you” and is proud that his administration has boldly “revitalized our nation’s historic bond with Israel” and moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

Trump pledges to “resolve to remove the vile poison of anti-Semitism” and reaffirm “our unbreakable solidarity with the Jewish people.”

7:35 PM: Trump says Floridians will send Rick Scott to the Senate and elect Ron DeSantis as the next governor. Trump wants to address the “horrific shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.”

Trump says 11 Americans were murdered in an “evil anti-Semitic attack.”

7:30 PM: Trump getting ready to speak to boost Messrs. DeSantis, Scott in two of the most importance 2018 races.

6:50 PM: Trump arrives in Fort Myers, Florida,

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