Jesus' Coming Back

Mexican Police Open Fire On Migrants And Kill One

By Theodore Shoebat

Mexican police opened fire upon a second caravan trying to cross the Mexican border, killing one migrant. As we read in a report from the Chicago Tribune:

The number of people in the first migrant caravan headed toward the U.S. has dwindled to about 4,000 from about 7,000 last week, though a second one was gaining steam and was marked by violence. About 600 migrants in the second group tried to cross a bridge from Guatemala to Mexico en masse Monday. The riverbank standoff with Mexico police followed a more violent confrontation Sunday, when the migrants used sticks and rocks against officers. One migrant was killed Sunday night by a head wound, but what caused it was unclear.

The first group passed through the spot via the river — wading or on rafts — and was advancing through southern Mexico. That group appeared to begin as a collection of about 160 who decided to band together in Honduras for protection against the gangs that prey on migrants traveling alone and snowballed as the group moved north. They are mostly from Honduras, where it started, as well as El Salvador and Guatemala.

Al-Jazeera reports:

A Honduran man was killed late on Sunday as the crackdown on migrants and refugees walking from Central America to the United States intensified.

Henry Diaz, a 26-year-old Honduran, was shot in the head with a rubber bullet, causing a deep head wound. He died on the way to a local hospital.

So the number of migrants has dwindled from about 7,000 people to 4,000. The US border patrol has apprehended around a thousand people a day in the fiscal year of 2018. So why do we need the military? Trump and the rest of his ilk calls this an invasion. Is America so weak that it can be invaded by migrants from one of poorest places on earth with rocks and sticks?

The Trump administration has been informed that only a small percentage of the caravan is actually going to make it to the US border. As we read in a report from Newsmax:

The Trump administration was informed that “only a small percentage” of Central American migrants traveling with several “caravans” headed toward the U.S. will likely make it to the border. The information was received before the administration moved ahead with plans to deploy more than 5,200 troops to the border, according to operational documents obtained by Newsweek.

The Trump administration knew this, before it went along with its plan to send out troops to the border. The report goes on to say:

To put this into perspective, if the U.S. had estimated that around 7,000 migrants were traveling toward the border with the caravan as of October 25, then it would have also determined that fewer than 1,500 would be likely to make it to the country’s ports of entry. The intelligence assessment was still being briefed to commanders as of October 27, according to the documents.

Since then, the numbers of Central Americans traveling with the caravans appear to have dwindled, with the first caravan, which departed from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on October 13, shrinking from around 7,500 people to about 3,500 as of Monday, according to the Associated Press.

And now Trump wants to deploy 15,000 troops for such a small number of migrants, when the American border control has been sufficient in detaining hundreds of thousands of migrants every year? Something is up.

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