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Sunshine State Poll: Dead Heat in Florida for Governor, Senate Races

A Cygnal poll released on Wednesday shows the candidates for Florida’s Senate and Gubernatorial races neck in neck as election day nears.

The poll, conducted by telephone from Oct. 27-29, revealed a statistical tie between governor hopefuls Democrat Andrew Gillum and Republican Ron DeSantis. Of the 495 likely Florida voters polled, 47.3 percent support DeSantis, while 46.7 percent intend to vote for Gillum. One-point-four percent of voters are undecided on who to vote for and five percent of voters prefer a third-party candidate.

Men prefer DeSantis 51 percent to 46 percent. Women prefer Gillum 48 percent to 45 percent.

According to the poll, Gillum leads DeSantis 48 percent to 34 percent with NPA voters and Independents.

“There is a hyper-partisan environment in Florida right now,” said Brent Buchanan, Cygnal’s president and founder. “Despite that fact, Desantis and Nelson are both overperforming the generic ballot. Republicans should feel encouraged about where these two key races are headed.”

For the U.S. Senate race, the poll revealed Bill Nelson leading Rick Scott by only two points, while two percent of voters remain undecided. Fifty percent of voters say they intend to vote for Nelson, while Rick Scott receives 48 percent of the likely voters’ support.

Scott retained 83 percent of Republican voters in the poll, while 17 percent of Republicans said they prefer Nelson for U.S. Senate. Nelson retained 89 percent of Democratic voters in the poll, while ten percent of the Democrats surveyed prefer Scott.

Of those surveyed that are certain to vote, 52 percent prefer Scott and 46 percent prefer Nelson.

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