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Majority U.S. Women: Democrats Used Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Accusations for Political Gain

The majority of American women say Senate Democrats used sexual assault accusations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for political gain, a new poll reveals.

The latest Harvard/Harris Poll finds that the majority of American women and men say Democrats were not genuinely concerned with the accusations of sexual assault made by Christine Blasey Ford, but instead were using the allegations and the accuser to score political points.

When asked, “Do you think Democrats were genuinely concerned about Dr. Christine Ford and her allegations towards Judge Kavanaugh, or were they just using the allegation for political purposes in order to block Kavanaugh’s nomination?” about 55 percent of all U.S. voters say the Democrats were “just using the allegations” to stop Kavanaugh from getting on the Supreme Court.

About 55 percent of American women and 56 percent of men say the same, that Democrats were using the Kavanaugh allegations for political purposes. A minority of 45 percent of voters say the Democrats were “genuinely concerned” about Blasey Ford.

Despite the establishment media and Hollywood’s “Believe Women” campaign, the vast majority of American voters — including 84 percent of women and 85 percent of men — say when it comes to sexual harassment allegations, the standards of the legal due process should be applied. Only 15 percent of voters say the legal due process should be “relaxed.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

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