Jesus' Coming Back

Admitted Canadian Pedophile Who Screamed “I Am The Devil, I Am Going To Kill Everyone” Says That He “Cured Himself” And Now Is Demanding Release From Mental Hospital So He Can Help Children Abused By Pedophiles

There are some crimes in a society that bar a person from certain employment professions because due to the nature of the profession, he might be tempted to commit the same crime again. A bank robber, for example, would not be allowed to get a job in a bank out of fear he might rob it. However, a man in Canada wants to change that because, while he admits that he is a pedophile who called himself “the devil”, he says he has “cured himself” and now wants to be released so he can help other children who have been abused by pedophiles just like him:

A diagnosed pedophile who claims he cured himself is fighting for community freedom so he can work with sexually abused children.

Kristopher Ginn is being treated at a psychiatric hospital near London, Ont., where recent testing showed he maintained a sexual interest in children. Although deemed a danger to the public, he is moving towards community living — but not with the speed he apparently wishes.

Ginn, 37, complained to the Court of Appeal for Ontario that the Ontario Review Board still declares him to be a significant risk. The court dismissed his appeal this week; however, the board’s decision for a gradual move into the community remains.

Ginn’s charges that put him in detention did not involve child victims.

In 2009, while he was undergoing psychiatric treatment in London, he asked a stranger on a park bench for a cigarette. After accepting a cigarette and a light, Ginn suddenly jumped up and yelled “I’m the devil, I am going to kill everyone,” according to a police report. He then attacked the stranger and was charged with assault causing bodily harm.

That same year, Ginn was charged with assault after accusing a fellow psychiatric patient of being a “child molester.” During the confrontation, Ginn spat on the other man, according to a police report. He was charged with assault.

In 2010, Ginn was found not criminally responsible on both charges on account of mental disorder. He had earlier had psychiatric intervention over severe delusions, including a belief he was in communication with Fidel Castro.

His case was transferred to the Ontario Review Board. The board, an independent tribunal, has jurisdiction over people found either unfit to stand trial or not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder.

Ginn was immediately ordered detained at a secure facility at the Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care in St. Thomas, just south of London.

While in treatment, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, substance use disorder, antisocial personality disorder and pedophilia.

From the start of his detention, Ginn was described in hospital records as someone who felt he did not require hospitalization or medication.

At his most recent review, in February, the hospital’s treatment team recommended he be allowed to move to community living, a plan supported by Ginn’s lawyer and counsel for the Attorney General of Ontario.

Psychosexual assessments showed Ginn continued to have sexual interest in children, according to board records. In 2017, he said he was experiencing command hallucinations to harm others but was resisting them.

Over the years he has been granted privileges, including passes to be in the community, according to board records.

The board heard that, during a 2017 outing, he saw a shirt with the sexual image of a woman printed on it and responded: “but I like little girls.” On a previous community visit, he admitted he had looked at a girl about 10 years of age and later fantasized about her.

Ginn disagrees with the diagnosis of pedophilia. He told doctors he had been doing his own testing on what arouses him and determined his interest in children had decreased.

In 2016, Ginn declared he had “cured himself,” board records say, and he was reluctant to undergo further hospital treatment. He continued to harbour “very concerning beliefs around pedophilia and sexual activities with children,” said a hospital report.

He told medical staff he wished to help fund a child exploitation centre and act “as a sort of patriarch who could provide help and counselling for the children,” and be their “safe person,” according to a hospital report.

At February’s board review, Ginn maintained his interest in working with vulnerable children.

“One of the concerns of the treatment team is that Mr. Ginn’s lack of insight is demonstrated by his continuing statements that he wishes to have the ability to work with children and others who have been victims of pedophilia,” the board says in its decision.

The board acknowledged he had made progress and was again accepting injection treatments; a plan was approved for increased access to the community.

Ginn appears to be running out of patience. He appealed the board’s decisions in both 2017 and this year to the Ontario courts. Both appeals were rejected.

Ginn’s living arrangements were not available for privacy reasons. He has had three-day passes into the community and overnight stays at a halfway house. Previous reviews have noted the difficulty in finding him an approved community living space.

The board heard he spends much of his community access in public libraries and the board ordered him not to be alone with or communicate with any child under the age of 16.

Ginn’s lawyer was not available for comment Wednesday. The Ontario government’s lawyer declined to discuss the case. (source, source)

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