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Dems: ‘Trump’s Refusal To Admit Caravan Into Country Is An Egregious Act Of Voter Suppression’

Dems: ‘Trump’s Refusal To Admit Caravan Into Country Is An Egregious Act Of Voter Suppression’

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Numerous Democrat leaders have come out strong against President Trump’s refusal to admit the Central American migrant caravan into the United States, calling Trump’s hardline stance an “egregious act of voter suppression.”

“This is a typical Republican attempt to suppress foreigners from voting in our elections,” Nancy Pelosi said in a late show appearance on Friday. “If the GOP had their way, only American citizens would be able to vote for American political offices. It’s discriminatory, it’s bigotry—it’s prejudice, plain and simple.”

Pelosi also made her constituents a promise: if the Dems win the house, she’ll ensure that everyone on the planet can vote in U.S. elections. “The Democratic Party is committed to fair and equal voting rights for everyone, whether or not you’re a citizen or even alive.” She even committed to passing a law requiring polling places to open up in Mexico, Central America, and around the world.

Other Democrat leaders agreed with Pelosi’s take, calling Trump’s deployment of thousands of troops to the U.S. border an “obvious ploy to scare foreigners away from the polls.”

“Trump doesn’t want the voice of the people of other countries to be heard,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. “Republicans can only ever win elections when they make sure Americans are the only ones allowed to vote.”

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