Jesus' Coming Back

ISIS Claims Responsibility For ‘Baby Shark’

NORTHERN IRAQ—Driven back into hiding, ISIS no longer holds the sway it once did in the Middle East. But the terror group recently claimed responsibility for its most vicious attack yet: the “Baby Shark” series of videos that targeted unsuspecting parents of toddlers on YouTube.

In a video uploaded to Twitter, ISIS claimed to have created the Baby Shark meme and set it loose in the West in order to drive parents up a wall for years to come.

“This attack was brutal, even for ISIS,” said one political analyst. “We’ve come to expect the usual array of terror tactics from the group—but this—this is beyond the pale. To subject American families to the extremely catchy, extremely irritating Baby Shark videos represents the worst war crime the world has seen in decades.”

“Baby shark do do do do do do,” he muttered. “Dang it, there I go again! Curse you, ISIS!!!!”

Not everyone is convinced ISIS is behind the attack. Several prominent Democrat think tanks released statements suggesting the attack has all the hallmarks of Russian interference, designed to destabilize and divide the populace. And Christian pastors across the country are pointing toward Satan as the obvious culprit.

Emboldened by the extreme success of its video assault, the terrorist group also teased an upcoming mashup between the incredibly annoying “Baby Shark” and “Let It Go” from Frozen.

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