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‘No walls! No USA at all!’ Antifa siege DC home of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson (VIDEO)

A group of incensed Antifa protesters surrounded the home of FOX News star Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. They rang the doorbell and chanted, calling the conservative host a “racist scumbag” for his support of the border wall.

Videos showing the small but rowdy group of self-described “anti-racist activists” rallying outside what appears to be the home of the Tucker Carlson Tonight host were posted by the group Smash Racism DC on Wednesday evening.

The protesters brought multiple posters with them, placing one that read “stop racism” by Carlson’s door. At one point, a protester ran up to the front porch and knocked on the door.

The crowd, meanwhile, shouted threatening and abusive chants at Carlson: “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Racist scumbag, leave town!”

This was followed by less personal but more politically charged slogans, as protesters denounced US President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico, a highly divisive issue that will now face serious delays following Democratic gains in the midterm elections.

“No borders! No walls! No USA at all!” the activists chanted. “This is what we think of your racist rhetoric and fear mongering toward immigrants,” the group posted on its Twitter account.

The protesters took issue with Carlson’s portrayal of the migrant caravan which has been moving towards the US southern border after leaving Honduras almost a month ago. The authorities in Mexico, where the worn out Central American migrants are currently taking a pit stop, estimate that the caravan includes some 4,500 people.

Carlson has generally echoed Trump’s rhetoric on the issue. The anchor has argued that the caravan presents an acute threat to US security, and has called on the government to protect Americans from the “caravan invasion.” Carlson has repeatedly called out the “relentless dishonesty” of liberal media coverage, accusing them of playing the race card.

Many of Carlson’s fellow media professionals and conservative Twitter followers spoke out in support of the Fox news talent, while calling on Twitter to ban the Smash Racism DC account.

Recently-fired NBC Today host Megyn Kelly called the protesters actions “stomach-turning.”

This is not the first time the group has confronted high-profile conservative figures in DC. In September, the protesters heckled Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R), forcing him out of a restaurant over his support for Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

READ MORE: Ted Cruz & wife harangued out of DC restaurant by anti-Kavanaugh protesters (VIDEO)

It is unknown if Carlson or his family were at home during the late night siege.

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