Jesus' Coming Back

Bomb Planted at Church in India

India (Mission Network News) On October 25, an IED was found in the trash bin at a church in northeast India, a region nestled between Bangladesh and Nepal. Authorities were immediately called, and the bomb was neutralized.

Bibles For The World’s President John Pudaite and his wife were at the church during the bomb’s discovery. They had been participating in a volunteer cleanup.

“In this very small village church, in the rural countryside, they were getting ready to burn some of the trash. They had picked up and they lifted up a container and said, ‘Wait a minute. This is too heavy.’… They emptied the container and discovered an improvised explosive device that had been placed … under some trash. [It was] designed to do as much damage as possible to whoever happened to be in the vicinity when that bomb would go off,” Bibles For The World’s Jeff McLinden says.

McLinden says the location where this took place is an area previously very resistant to the Gospel.

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