Jesus' Coming Back

Largest of Migrant Caravans Splits Into Smaller Groups

Some migrants manage to get bus rides, while others hitchhike or continue to walk

The largest of the Central American migrant caravans making their way through Mexico toward the U.S. border has broken up into smaller groups, migrants and local authorities said Monday.

Over the weekend, the large caravan that had stayed in Mexico City most of the previous week hit the road again toward the U.S. border. But the caravan broke into several smaller pieces as some groups managed to get bus rides, while others hitchhiked and still others walked.

The caravan marked a month on the road on Monday. After grueling walks across Mexico’s southwest, averaging some 30 miles a day, migrants are now seeking to move faster by hitchhiking to head to Tijuana, across the border from San Diego, Calif., these people said.

“People are advancing at different paces, some are more impatient than others. But the plan is to regroup all in Tijuana,” said Santiago Guevara, a Honduran migrant who is now in Guadalajara, Mexico’s second-largest city. He has relatives in Atlanta, Ga., and as most migrants, wants to file for asylum in the U.S.

One smaller group of nearly a hundred migrants arrived in Tijuana on buses on Sunday. Two groups of about 800 people in total are advancing across the Pacific states of Sinaloa and Nayarit, while some 1,000 migrants arrived in Guadalajara, in western Jalisco state some 1,400 miles south of Tijuana.

A larger group of some 3,500 people is also heading to Guadalajara.

It will likely be later this week or early next week before the bulk of the migrants arrive in Tijuana.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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